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Overview Edit

Welcome to XT API documentation. XT provides REST and Websocket APIs to suit your trading needs.

API Resources and Support Edit


Learn python spot trading step by step: Python Spot Trading Tutorial
Learn python derivatives trading step by step: Python Derivatives Trading Tutorial

Python libraries

Use Python SDK for easier integration: Python SDK

Java libraries

A lightweight Java code library: Java SDK

JavaScript SDK

This JavaScript SDK provides access to various endpoints for interacting with the XT platform: JavaScript SDK

Customer service

Get support in our telegram group: XT API Support Group
If you have any questions, please consult online customer service

概述 Edit

欢迎使用 XT API 文档。 XT 提供 REST 和 Websocket API 来满足您的交易需求。

API 资源和支持 Edit


一步步学习Python现货交易: Python现货交易教程
一步步学习Python衍生品交易: Python衍生品交易教程

Python 库

使用Python SDK更容易集成: Python SDK

Java 库

一个轻量级的Java代码库: Java SDK

JavaScript 库

此 JavaScript SDK 提供对各种端点的访问,以便与 XT 平台进行交互: JavaScript SDK


在我们的电报组中获取支持: XT API Support Group


production environment: https://sapi.xt.com

Basic information of the interface Edit

Due to reasons such as high latency and poor stability, it is not recommended to access the API through a proxy.

GET request parameters are placed in query Params, POST request parameters are placed in request body

Please set the request header information to:Content-Type=application/json

For requests that start other than /public, the request message needs to be signed

Frequency Limiting Rules Edit

Some interfaces will have limited flow control (the corresponding interface will have a limited flow description). The flow limit is mainly divided into gateway flow limit and WAF flow limit.

If the interface request triggers the gateway flow limit, 429 will be returned, indicating that the access frequency exceeds the limit, and the IP or apiKey will be blocked.

Gateway flow limiting is divided into IP and apiKey flow limiting.

Example description of IP flow limit: 100/s/ip, indicating the limit of the number of requests per second for this interface per IP.

apiKey current limit example description: 50/s/apiKey, indicating the limit of the number of requests per second for the interface per apiKey.

Signature Instructions Edit

Since XT needs to provide some open interfaces for third-party platforms,therefore, the issue of data security needs to be considered. Such as whether the data has been tampered with, whether the data is outdated, whether the data can be submitted repeatedly, and the access frequency of the interface, and whether data has been tampered with is the most important issue.

  1. Please apply for appkey and secretkey in the user center first, each user’s appkey and secretkey are different.

  2. Add timestamp, its value should be the unix timestamp (milliseconds) of the time when the request is sent, and the time of the data is calculated based on this value.

  3. Add signature, its value is obtained by a certain rule of signature algorithm.

  4. Add recvwindow (defining the valid time of the request), the valid time is currently relatively simple and uniformly fixed at a certain value.

When a request is received by the server, the timestamp in the request is checked to ensure it falls between 2 to 60 seconds. Any request with a timestamp older than 5,000 milliseconds is considered invalid. The time window value can be set using the optional parameter: “recvWindow”. Additionally, if the server determines that the client’s timestamp is more than one second ahead of the server, the request will also be invalid. Online conditions are not always 100% reliable in terms of the timeliness of trades, resulting in varying levels of latency between your local program and the XT server. This is why we provide the “recvWindow” parameter - if you engage in high-frequency trading and require stricter transaction timeliness, you can adjust the “recvWindow” parameter to better meet your needs.

Recvwindow longer than 5 seconds is not recommended.

5、Added algorithm (signature method/algorithm), the user calculates the signature according to the protocol of the hash, and HmacSHA256 is recommended. For those protocols that are supported, see the table below.


Signature generation Edit

Take https://sapi.xt-uat.com/v4/order as an example.

The following is an example appkey and secret for placing an order using a call interface implemented by echo openssl and curl tools in the linux bash environment for demonstration purposes only:

appKey: 3976eb88-76d0-4f6e-a6b2-a57980770085

secretKey: bc6630d0231fda5cd98794f52c4998659beda290

Header part data:

validate-algorithms: HmacSHA256

validate-appkey: 3976eb88-76d0-4f6e-a6b2-a57980770085

validate-recvwindow: 5000

validate-timestamp: 1641446237201

validate-signature: 2b5eb11e18796d12d88f13dc27dbbd02c2cc51ff7059765ed9821957d82bb4d9

request data:

  type: 'LIMIT',
  timeInForce: 'GTC',
  side: 'BUY',
  symbol: 'btc_usdt',
  price: '39000',
  quantity: '2'

1.data part

method: UpperCase method. eg: GET, POST, DELETE, PUT

path: Concatenate all values in the order in path. The restful path in the form of /test/{var1}/{var2}/ will be spliced according to the actual parameters filled in, for example: /sign/test/bb/aa

query: Sort all key=value according to the lexicographical order of the key. Example: userName=dfdfdf&password=ggg

    Json: Directly by JSON string without conversion or sorting.

    x-www-form-urlencoded: Sort all key=values according to the lexicographical order of keys, for example: userName=dfdfdf&password=ggg

    form-data:This format is not currently supported.

If there are multiple data forms, re-splicing is performed in the order of path, query, and body to obtain the splicing value of all data.

Method example:


Path example:


The above concatenated value is recorded as path

Parameters passed query example:


The above concatenated value is recorded as query

Parameters via body example


    The above concatenated value is recorded as body



    The above concatenated value is recorded as body

Mixed use of query and body (divided into form and json format)

    The above concatenated value is recorded as query

    The above concatenated value is recorded as body

The most concatenated value of the entire data is spliced with method, path, query, and body by the # symbol to form #method, #path, #query, and #body, and the final spliced value is recorded as Y=#method#path#query#body. Notice:

The query has data, but the body has no data: Y=#method#path#query

query has no data, body has data: Y=#method#path#body

query has data, body has data: Y=#method#path#query#body

2.request header part After the keys are in natural ascending alphabetical order, use & to join them together as X. like:


3.generate signature

Finally, the string that needs to be encrypted is recorded as original=XY

Finally, encrypt the final concatenated value according to the following method to obtain a signature.

signature=org.apache.commons.codec.digest.HmacUtils.hmacSha256Hex(secretkey, original);

Put the generated signature singature in the request header, with validate-signature as the key and singature as the value.


sample of original signature message:

sample request message:

    curl --location --request POST 'https://sapi.xt.com/v4/order' 
    --header 'accept: */*' 
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' 
    --header 'validate-algorithms: HmacSHA256' 
    --header 'validate-appkey: 10c172ca-d791-4da5-91cd-e74d202dac96' 
    --header 'validate-recvwindow: 60000' 
    --header 'validate-timestamp: 1666026215729' 
    --header 'validate-signature: 4cb36e820f50d2e353e5e0a182dc4a955b1c26efcb4b513d81eec31dd36072ba' 
    --data-raw '{"symbol":"XT_USDT","side":"BUY","type":"LIMIT","timeInForce":"GTC","bizType":"SPOT","price":3,"quantity":2}'    

matters needing attention:

    Pay attention to checking the parameter format of Content Type, signature original message and request message

API Key application steps Edit

The interface may require the user’s API Key,How to create API-KEY please refer to here

API code library Edit

Java connector

A lightweight Java codebase that provides methods that allow users to directly call the API。

Sdks for each language:

  java : https://github.com/xt-com/xt4-java-demo
  golang : https://github.com/xt-com/xt4-go-demo
  c# : https://github.com/xt-com/xt4-c--demo

Sample request information for each interface:


response format Edit

All interface returns are in JSON format.

    "rc": 0,
    "result": {
    "mc": "SUCCESS"
    "ma": []

response code Edit

httpStatus description
200 The request is successful, please check the rc and mc sections further
404 interface does not exist
429 The request is too frequent, please control the request rate according to the speed limit requirement
500 Service exception
502 Gateway exception
503 Service unavailable, please try again later
rc return Code
0 business success
1 business failure
mc message code
SUCCESS success
AUTH_001 missing request header validate-appkey
AUTH_002 missing request header validate-timestamp
AUTH_003 missing request header validate-recvwindow
AUTH_004 bad request header validate-recvwindow
AUTH_005 missing request header validate-algorithms
AUTH_006 bad request header validate-algorithms
AUTH_007 missing request header validate-signature
AUTH_101 ApiKey does not exist
AUTH_102 ApiKey is not activated
AUTH_103 Signature error
AUTH_104 Unbound IP request
AUTH_105 outdated message
AUTH_106 Exceeded apikey permission
SYMBOL_001 Symbol not exist
SYMBOL_002 Symbol offline
SYMBOL_003 Symbol suspend trading
SYMBOL_004 Symbol country disallow trading
SYMBOL_005 The symbol does not support trading via API
SYMBOL_007 The trading pair does not support order modification
SYMBOL_010 This market does not support your trading
SYMBOL_011 Due to the high-risk nature of this trading pair, the platform has temporarily restricted trading for it. If you wish to trade, please contact our online customer service for approval.
ORDER_001 Platform rejection
ORDER_002 insufficient funds
ORDER_003 Trading Pair Suspended
ORDER_004 no transaction
ORDER_005 Order not exist
ORDER_006 Too many open orders
ORDER_007 The sub-account has no transaction authority
ORDER_008 The order price or quantity precision is abnormal
ORDER_F0101 Trigger Price Filter - Min
ORDER_F0102 Trigger Price Filter - Max
ORDER_F0103 Trigger Price Filter - Step Value
ORDER_F0201 Trigger Quantity Filter - Min
ORDER_F0202 Trigger Quantity Filter - Max
ORDER_F0203 Trigger Quantity Filter - Step Value
ORDER_F0301 Trigger QUOTE_QTY Filter - Min Value
ORDER_F0501 Trigger PROTECTION_LIMIT Filter - Buy Max Deviation
ORDER_F0502 Trigger PROTECTION_LIMIT Filter - Sell Max Deviation
ORDER_F0503 Trigger PROTECTION_LIMIT Filter - Buy Limit Coefficient
ORDER_F0504 Trigger PROTECTION_LIMIT Filter - Sell Limit Coefficient
ORDER_F0704 Liquidation price limit for leveraged limit orders
COMMON_001 The user does not exist
COMMON_002 System busy, please try it later
COMMON_003 Operation failed, please try it later
CURRENCY_001 Information of currency is abnormal
DEPOSIT_001 Deposit is not open
DEPOSIT_002 The current account security level is low, please bind any two security verifications in mobile phone/email/Google Authenticator before deposit
DEPOSIT_003 The format of address is incorrect, please enter again
DEPOSIT_004 The address is already exists, please enter again
DEPOSIT_005 Can not find the address of offline wallet
DEPOSIT_006 No deposit address, please try it later
DEPOSIT_007 Address is being generated, please try it later
DEPOSIT_008 Deposit is not available
WITHDRAW_001 Withdraw is not open
WITHDRAW_002 The withdrawal address is invalid
WITHDRAW_003 The current account security level is low, please bind any two security verifications in mobile phone/email/Google Authenticator before withdraw
WITHDRAW_004 The withdrawal address is not added
WITHDRAW_005 The withdrawal address cannot be empty
WITHDRAW_006 Memo cannot be empty
WITHDRAW_008 Risk control is triggered, withdraw of this currency is not currently supported
WITHDRAW_009 Withdraw failed, some assets in this withdraw are restricted by T+1 withdraw
WITHDRAW_010 The precision of withdrawal is invalid
WITHDRAW_011 free balance is not enough
WITHDRAW_012 Withdraw failed, your remaining withdrawal limit today is not enough
WITHDRAW_013 Withdraw failed, your remaining withdrawal limit today is not enough, the withdrawal amount can be increased by completing a higher level of real-name authentication
WITHDRAW_014 This withdrawal address cannot be used in the internal transfer function, please cancel the internal transfer function before submitting
WITHDRAW_015 The withdrawal amount is not enough to deduct the handling fee
WITHDRAW_016 This withdrawal address is already exists
WITHDRAW_017 This withdrawal has been processed and cannot be canceled
WITHDRAW_018 Memo must be a number
WITHDRAW_019 Memo is incorrect, please enter again
WITHDRAW_020 Your withdrawal amount has reached the upper limit for today, please try it tomorrow
WITHDRAW_021 Your withdrawal amount has reached the upper limit for today, you can only withdraw up to {0} this time
WITHDRAW_022 Withdrawal amount must be greater than {0}
WITHDRAW_023 Withdrawal amount must be less than {0}
WITHDRAW_024 Withdraw is not supported
WITHDRAW_025 Please create a FIO address in the deposit page
FUND_001 Duplicate request (a bizId can only be requested once)
FUND_002 Insufficient account balance
FUND_003 Transfer operations are not supported (for example, sub-accounts do not support financial transfers)
FUND_004 Unfreeze failed
FUND_005 Transfer prohibited
FUND_014 The transfer-in account id and transfer-out account ID cannot be the same
FUND_015 From and to business types cannot be the same
FUND_016 Leverage transfer, symbol cannot be empty
FUND_017 Parameter error
FUND_018 Invalid freeze record
FUND_019 Freeze users not equal
FUND_020 Freeze currency are not equal
FUND_021 Operation not supported
FUND_022 Freeze record does not exist
FUND_044 The maximum length of the amount is 113 and cannot exceed the limit
SYMBOL_001 Symbol does not exist
TRANSFER_001 Duplicate request (a bizId can only be requested once)
TRANSFER_002 Insufficient account balance
TRANSFER_003 User not registered
TRANSFER_004 The currency is not allowed to be transferred
TRANSFER_005 The user’s currency is not allowed to be transferred
TRANSFER_006 Transfer prohibited
TRANSFER_007 Request timed out
TRANSFER_008 Transferring to a leveraged account is abnormal
TRANSFER_009 Departing from a leveraged account is abnormal
TRANSFER_010 Leverage cleared, transfer prohibited
TRANSFER_011 Leverage with borrowing, transfer prohibited
TRANSFER_012 Currency transfer prohibited
GATEWAY_0001 Trigger risk control
GATEWAY_0002 Trigger risk control
GATEWAY_0003 Trigger risk control
GATEWAY_0004 Trigger risk control

Public module Edit

Order state

State Description
NEW The order has been accepted by the engine.
PARTIALLY_FILLED A part of the order has been filled.
FILLED The order has been completed.
CANCELED The order has been canceled by the user.
REJECTED The order was not accepted by the engine and not processed.
EXPIRED The order has expired (e.g. Order canceled due to timeout or canceled due to premium)

Order type

Type Description
LIMIT Limit price order
MARKET Market price order

Symbol state

State Description
ONLINE The symbol is online
OFFLINE The symbol is offline
DELISTED The symbol has been delisted

Time in force

This sets how long an order will be active before expiration.

TimeInForces Description
GTC It remains valid until the transaction is concluded.
IOC Cancel the part that cannot be transacted immediately (taking orders)
FOK Cancellation if all transactions cannot be completed immediately
GTX Only pending orders, the triggering of transaction conditions will be cancelled immediately

Deposit/Withdraw status

Status Description
SUBMIT The withdrawal amount is not frozen.
REVIEW The withdrawal amount has been frozen and is pending review.
AUDITED The withdraw has been reviewed and is ready to on-chaining.
PENDING The deposit or withdraw is already on-chaining.
SUCCESS The deposit or withdraw is success.
FAIL The deposit or withdraw failed.
CANCEL The deposit or withdraw has been canceled by the user.


Status Description
SPOT spot account
LEVER Leverage account
FINANCE Financial account
FUTURES_U USDT-M futures account
FUTURES_C COIN-M futures account

FAQ Edit

1.AUTH_ 105: The server verifies the request header parameters validate-timestamp (validTimeStamp) and validate-recvwindow (recvwindow) The following rules must be followed: dealTimeStamp (server time when the request is processed, in milliseconds) - validTimeStamp < recvwindow, otherwise AUTH_105 will be returned. To avoid this error, validate-timestamp recommends using the time when the request was sent, and it is measured in milliseconds. The validate-recvwindow is set a little larger

Contact us Edit

XT API Telegram Group: XT API Support Group
XT API Ticket: Create API Ticket

  • For any general questions about the API not covered in the documentation.
  • For any MM questions

XT Customer Support: Website and App online customer service

  • For cases such as missing funds, help with 2FA, etc.

Get server time Edit


public String getServerInfo(){


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "SUCCESS",
  "ma": [],
  "result": {
    "serverTime": 1662435658062  

Get client ip Edit


public String getClient(){


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "SUCCESS",
  "ma": [],
  "result": {

Get symbol information Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
symbol string false trading pair eg:btc_usdt
symbols array false Collection of trading pairs. Priority is higher than symbol. eg: btc_usdt,eth_usdt
version string false Version number, when the request version number is consistent with the response content version, the list will not be returned, reducing IO eg: 2e14d2cd5czcb2c2af2c1db6

Limit Flow Rules

1.single symbol:10/s/ip

2.multiple symbols:10/s/ip


Filter, defines a series of trading rules. There are different filters for different fields or entities. Here we mainly introduce the filter for the entity symbol. For symbols, there are two kinds of filters, one is a global filter, and the other is a filter customized for a certain trading pair.


The price filter is used to check the validity of the price parameter in the order. Contains the following three parts:

1.min Defines the minimum allowable price in the order

2.max Defines the maximum price allowed in the order

3.tickSize Defines the step interval of price in the order, that is, price must be equal to minPrice+(integer multiple of tickSize)

Each of the above items can be null, when it is null, it means that this item is no longer restricted

The logical pseudocode is as follows:

  • price >= min
  • price <= max
  • (price-minPrice) % tickSize == 0


The logic is similar to PRICE FILTER ,but for the order quantity.

It contains three parts:

1.min minimum allowed

2.max maximum allowed

3.tickSize  Step interval, that is, quantity must be equal to minQuantity+(integer multiple of tickSize)

Each of the above items can be null, when it is null, it means that this item is no longer restricted

The logical pseudocode is as follows:

  • quantity>= min
  • quantity<= max
  • (quantity-minQuantity)% tickSize == 0


Limit the amount of the order

It internally defines the minimum allowable value-min

When min is null, the order is not limited

Otherwise the restriction rules are as follows:

1.For orders of the LIMIT type,must meet the following conditions: price*quantity>=min

2.For orders of the MARKET type and BUY type,must meet the following conditions: quoteQty>=min,(quoteQty,The required amount when placing an order of MARKET type by amount)


There are price protection restrictions for orders whose order type (orderType) is LIMIT, including the following four parts:

1.buyMaxDeviation: The maximum deviation of the buy order, determine the minimum buy order price based on this value and the latest transaction price

2.buyPriceLimitCoefficient: The buy limit coefficient, determine the maximum buy order price based on this value and the latest transaction price

3.sellMaxDeviation: The maximum deviation of the sell order, determine the maximum sell order price based on this value and the latest transaction price

4.sellPriceLimitCoefficient: The sell limit coefficient, determine the minimum sell order price based on this value and the latest transaction price

If there is no latest transaction price, there will be no restrictions, or if the above parameters are null, the corresponding direction type orders will not be restricted.

In order to pass the limit price protection, the order price must meet the following conditions (latestPrice is the latest transaction price)

buy order: price >= latestPrice-latestPrice*buyMaxDeviation  && price <= latestPrice+latestPrice*buyPriceLimitCoefficient

sell order: price <= latestPrice+latestPrice*sellMaxDeviation  && price >= latestPrice-latestPrice*sellPriceLimitCoefficient


There is a price limit protection mechanism for orders of the order type MARKET, which internally specifies the maximum deviation rate(maxDeviation).

For market type orders, the market price must meet the following conditions for the order to pass(sellBestPrice  sell one price,buyBestPrice buy one price,latestPrice The latest transaction price, these data are obtained through historical transaction data)

buy order: latestPrice + latestPrice* maxDeviation >= sellBestPrice 

sell order: latestPrice - latestPrice* maxDeviation <= buyBestPrice

For the above situation maxDeviation,latestPrice,sellBestPrice,buyBestPrice

All may be empty or there is no latest transaction price, buy one price, sell one price, there is no limit


Limit the price of orders of the MARKET type within the specified time range after the opening

The maximum price multiple is defined inside this filter(maxPriceMultiple),duration(durationSeconds)。

Limitation logic: when it is within the durationSeconds time range after the opening of the symbol, Orders with an order type of LIMIT must meet the following conditions to pass

price<=openPrice*maxPriceMultiple,(openPrice is the opening price).

There are no restrictions on other types of orders or orders outside the opening time frame.

For maxPriceMultiple, durationSeconds can be null, when they are null, no opening protection limit is applied.

  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "SUCCESS",
  "ma": [],
  "result": {
    "time": 1662444177871,  
    "version": "7cd2cfab0dc979339f1de904bd90c9cb",  
    "symbols": [                   
        "id": 614,                   //ID
        "symbol": "btc_usdt",         
        "state": "ONLINE",           //symbol state [ONLINE;OFFLINE,DELISTED]
        "tradingEnabled": true,
        "openapiEnabled": true,      //Openapi transaction is available or not
        "nextStateTime": null,              
        "nextState": null,                 
        "depthMergePrecision": 5,    //Depth Merge Accuracy
        "baseCurrency": "btc",                  
        "baseCurrencyPrecision": 5,              
        "baseCurrencyId": 2,                 
        "quoteCurrency": "usdt",             
        "quoteCurrencyPrecision": 6,        
        "quoteCurrencyId": 11,             
        "pricePrecision": 4,         //Transaction price accuracy
        "quantityPrecision": 6,
        "takerFeeRate": 0.001,       //Taker fee rate
        "makerFeeRate": 0.002,       //Maker fee rate
        "orderTypes": [              //Order Type [LIMIT;MARKET]
        "timeInForces": [            //Effective ways [GTC=It remains valid until the transaction is concluded; IOC=Cancel the part that cannot be transacted immediately (taking orders); FOK=Cancellation if all transactions cannot be completed immediately; GTX=Revoke if unable to become a pending party]
        "displayWeight": 1,          //Show the weight, the greater the weight, the more forward
        "displayLevel": "FULL",      //Presentation level, [FULL=Full display,SEARCH=Search display,DIRECT=Direct display,NONE=Don't show]
        "plates": [],                //  eg:22,23,24
        "filters": [                       
            "filter": "PROTECTION_LIMIT",
            "buyMaxDeviation": "0.8"
            "sellMaxDeviation": "0.8"
            "filter": "PROTECTION_MARKET",
            "maxDeviation": "0.1"
            "filter": "PROTECTION_ONLINE",
            "durationSeconds": "300",
            "maxPriceMultiple": "5"
            "filter": "PRICE",
            "min": null,
            "max": null,
            "tickSize": null
            "filter": "QUANTITY",
            "min": null,
            "max": null,
            "tickSize": null
            "filter": "QUOTE_QTY",
            "min": null

Get depth data Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
symbol string true trading pair eg:btc_usdt
limit number false 100 minimum number of queries is 100 1~500

Limit Flow Rules


public String depth(){


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "SUCCESS",
  "ma": [],
  "result": {
    "timestamp": 1662445330524,  
    "lastUpdateId": 137333589606963580,     //Last updated record
    "bids": [                               //buy order([?][0]=price;[?][1]=pending order volume)
        "200.0000",                         //price
        "0.996000"                          //pending order volume
    "asks": []                              //sell order([?][0]=price;[?][1]=pending order volume)

Get K-line data Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
symbol string true trading pair eg:btc_usdt
interval string true K line type, eg:1m [1m;3m;5m;15m;30m;1h;2h;4h;6h;8h;12h;1d;3d;1w;1M]
startTime number false start timestamp
endTime number false end timestamp
limit number false 100 1~1000

Limit Flow Rules


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": [
      "t": 1662601014832,   //open time
      "o": "30000",         //open price
      "c": "32000",         //close price
      "h": "35000",         //highest price
      "l": "25000",         //lowest price
      "q": "512",           //transaction quantity
      "v": "15360000"       //transaction volume

Query the list of recent transactions Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
symbol string true trading pair
limit number false 200 1,1000

Limit Flow Rules


public String tradeRecent(){


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": [
      "i": 0,           //ID
      "t": 0,           //transaction time
      "p": "string",    //transaction price
      "q": "string",    //transaction quantity
      "v": "string",    //transaction volume
      "b": true         //whether is buyerMaker or not

Query historical transaction list Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
symbol string true trading pair
limit number false 200 1,1000
direction string true query direction PREV-previous page,NEXT-next page
fromId number false Start ID,eg: 6216559590087220004

Limit Flow Rules


public String tradeHistory(){


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": [
      "i": 0,           //ID
      "t": 0,           //transaction time
      "p": "string",    //transaction price
      "q": "string",    //transaction quantity
      "v": "string",    //transaction volume
      "b": true         //whether is buyerMaker or not

Full ticker Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
symbol string false trading pair eg:btc_usdt
symbols array false Collection of trading pairs. Priority is higher than symbol. eg: btc_usdt,eth_usdt
tags string false Set of tags, separated by commas, currently only supports spot

Limit Flow Rules

1.single symbol:10/s/ip

2.multiple symbols:10/s/ip

public String price(){


    "rc": 0,
    "mc": "SUCCESS",
    "ma": [],
    "result": [
            "s": "btc_usdt",        //symbol
            "t": 1662444879425,     //update time
            "cv": "0.00",           //change value
            "cr": "0.0000",         //change rate
            "o": "200.00",          //open
            "l": "200.00",          //low
            "h": "200.00",          //high
            "c": "200.00",          //close
            "q": "0.002",           //quantity
            "v": "0.40",            //volume
            "ap": null,             //asks price(sell one price)
            "aq": null,             //asks qty(sell one quantity)
            "bp": null,             //bids price(buy one price)
            "bq": null              //bids qty(buy one quantity)

Get latest prices ticker Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
symbol string false trading pair eg:btc_usdt
symbols array false Collection of trading pairs. Priority is higher than symbol. eg: btc_usdt,eth_usdt
tags string false Set of tags, separated by commas, currently only supports spot

Limit Flow Rules

1.single symbol:10/s/ip

2.multiple symbols:10/s/ip

public String price(){


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "SUCCESS",
  "ma": [],
  "result": [
      "s": "btc_usdt",      //symbol
      "t": 1661856036925    //time
      "p": "9000.0000",     //price

Get the best pending order ticker Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
symbol string false trading pair eg:btc_usdt
symbols array false Collection of trading pairs. Priority is higher than symbol. eg: btc_usdt,eth_usdt
tags string false Set of tags, separated by commas, currently only supports spot

Limit Flow Rules

1.single symbol:10/s/ip

2.multiple symbols:10/s/ip

  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "SUCCESS",
  "ma": [],
  "result": [
      "s": "btc_usdt",      //symbol
      "t": 1661856036925,   //last updated time 
      "ap": null,           //asks price(sell one price)
      "aq": null,           //asks qty(sell one quantity)
      "bp": null,           //bids price(buy one price)
      "bq": null            //bids qty(buy one quantity)

Get 24h statistics ticker Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
symbol string false trading pair eg:btc_usdt
symbols array false Collection of trading pairs. Priority is higher than symbol. eg: btc_usdt,eth_usdt
tags string false Set of tags, separated by commas, currently only supports spot

Limit Flow Rules

1.single symbol:10/s/ip

2.multiple symbols:10/s/ip

  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "SUCCESS",
  "ma": [],
  "result": [
      "s": "btc_usdt",      //symbol
      "t": 1661856036925,   //time 
      "cv": "0.0000",       //price change value
      "cr": "0.00",         //price change rate
      "o": "9000.0000",     //open price
      "l": "9000.0000",     //lowest price
      "h": "9000.0000",     //highest price
      "c": "9000.0000",     //close price
      "q": "0.0136",        //transaction quantity
      "v": "122.9940"       //transaction volume

Get single Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
orderId number true
public String orderGet(){


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {
    "symbol": "BTC_USDT",   
    "orderId": "6216559590087220004",  
    "clientOrderId": "16559590087220001",  
    "baseCurrency": "string",   
    "quoteCurrency": "string",   
    "side": "BUY",                          //order side:BUY,SELL
    "type": "LIMIT",                        //order type  LIMIT,MARKET 
    "timeInForce": "GTC",                   //effective way:GTC,IOC,FOK,GTX
    "price": "40000",   
    "origQty": "2",                         //original quantity
    "origQuoteQty": "48000",                //original amount
    "executedQty": "1.2",                   //executed quantity
    "leavingQty": "string",                 //The quantity to be executed (if the order is cancelled or the order is rejected, the value is 0)
    "tradeBase": "2",                       //transaction quantity
    "tradeQuote": "48000",                  //transaction amount
    "avgPrice": "42350",                    //average transaction price
    "fee": "string",                        //handling fee
    "feeCurrency": "string",   
    "state": "NEW",                         //order stat NEW,PARTIALLY_FILLED,FILLED,CANCELED,REJECTED,EXPIRED
    "deductServices":[{                     //Fee deduction list (if set XT deduction fee and the deduction occurs, use this field to represent the trade fee. Otherwise, use the original fee and feeCurrency fields to represent the trade fee). 
    "time": 1655958915583,                  //order time
    "ip": "",                      //ip address
    "updatedTime": 1655958915583  

Query single Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
orderId number false
clientOrderId string false
public String orderGet(){


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {
    "symbol": "BTC_USDT",   
    "orderId": "6216559590087220004",  
    "clientOrderId": "16559590087220001",  
    "baseCurrency": "string",   
    "quoteCurrency": "string",   
    "side": "BUY",                      //order side:BUY,SELL
    "type": "LIMIT",                    //order type  LIMIT,MARKET 
    "timeInForce": "GTC",               //effective way:GTC,IOC,FOK,GTX
    "price": "40000",   
    "origQty": "2",                     //original quantity
    "origQuoteQty": "48000",            //original amount
    "executedQty": "1.2",               //executed quantity
    "leavingQty": "string",             //The quantity to be executed (if the order is cancelled or the order is rejected, the value is 0)
    "tradeBase": "2",                   //transaction quantity
    "tradeQuote": "48000",              //transaction amount
    "avgPrice": "42350",                //average transaction price
    "fee": "string",                    //handling fee
    "feeCurrency": "string",   
    "state": "NEW",                     //order stat NEW,PARTIALLY_FILLED,FILLED,CANCELED,REJECTED,EXPIRED
    "deductServices":[{                 //Fee deduction list (if set XT deduction fee and the deduction occurs, use this field to represent the trade fee. Otherwise, use the original fee and feeCurrency fields to represent the trade fee).  
    "time": 1655958915583,              //order time
    "updatedTime": 1655958915583  

Submit order Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
symbol string true
clientOrderId string false Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{4,32}$
side string true BUY,SELL
type string true order type:LIMIT,MARKET
timeInForce string true effective way:GTC, FOK, IOC, GTX
bizType string true SPOT, LEVER
price number false price. Required if it is the LIMIT price; blank if it is the MARKET price
quantity number false quantity. Required if it is the LIMIT price or the order is placed at the market price by quantity
quoteQty number false amount. Required if it is the LIMIT price or the order is the market price when placing an order by amount
nftId string false nft id


Create a BUY order based on market price, quantity must be null, quoteQty required; Create a SELL order based on market price, quoteQty must be null, quantity required.

Limit Flow Rules


public String orderPost(){


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {
    "orderId": "6216559590087220004",
    "ip": "",                  // ip address

Cancell order Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
orderId number true
public String orderDel(){


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {
    "cancelId": "6216559590087220004"

Get batch Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
orderIds string true order Ids eg: 6216559590087220004,

reponse field information, refer to the Get single interface

public String batchOrderGet(){


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": [
      "symbol": "BTC_USDT",
      "orderId": "6216559590087220004",
      "clientOrderId": "16559590087220001",
      "baseCurrency": "string",
      "quoteCurrency": "string",
      "side": "BUY",
      "type": "LIMIT",
      "timeInForce": "GTC",
      "price": "40000",
      "origQty": "2",
      "origQuoteQty": "48000",
      "executedQty": "1.2",
      "leavingQty": "string",
      "tradeBase": "2",
      "tradeQuote": "48000",
      "avgPrice": "42350",
      "fee": "string",
      "feeCurrency": "string",
      "state": "NEW",
      "deductServices":[{   //Fee deduction list (if set XT deduction fee and the deduction occurs, use this field to represent the trade fee. Otherwise, use the original fee and feeCurrency fields to represent the trade fee). 
      "time": 1655958915583,
      "ip": "",
      "updatedTime": 1655958915583

Submit batch order Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
clientBatchId string false Client batch number. Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{4,32}$
items array true array
item.symbol string true
item.clientOrderId string false Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{4,32}$
item.side string true BUY,SELL
item.type string true order type:LIMIT,MARKET
item.timeInForce string true effective way:GTC, FOK, IOC, GTX
item.bizType string true SPOT, LEVER
item.price number false price. Required if it is the LIMIT price; blank if it is the MARKET price
item.quantity number false quantity. Required if it is the LIMIT price or the order is placed at the market price by quantity
item.quoteQty number false amount. Required if it is the LIMIT price or the order is the market price when placing an order by amount

Limit Flow Rules


public String batchOrderPost(){


  "clientBatchId": "51232",
  "items": [
      "symbol": "BTC_USDT",
      "clientOrderId": "16559590087220001",
      "side": "BUY",
      "type": "LIMIT",
      "timeInForce": "GTC",
      "bizType": "SPOT",
      "price": 40000,
      "quantity": 2,
      "quoteQty": 80000
  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {
    "batchId": "123", 
    "items": [   
        "index": "0", // start with 0 
        "clientOrderId": "123", 
        "orderId": "123", 
        "reject": "false", 
        "reason": "invalid price precision" 

Update Order(Limit) Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
orderId number true order ID
price number true Price
quantity number true Quantity

Limit Flow Rules


public String orderPost(){


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {
    "orderId": "6216559590087220004",   //order id
    "modifyId": "407329711723834560"    //modify id

Cancell batch order Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
clientBatchId string false client batch id
orderIds array true 6216559590087220004,

Note: The parameters should be placed in the request body in the form of json

public String batchOrderDel(){


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {}

Query the current pending order Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
symbol string false Trading pair, if not filled in, represents all
bizType string false SPOT, LEVER
side string false BUY,SELL

Limit Flow Rules


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": [      //For field information, refer to the Get single interface
      "symbol": "BTC_USDT",
      "orderId": "6216559590087220004",
      "clientOrderId": "16559590087220001",
      "baseCurrency": "string",
      "quoteCurrency": "string",
      "side": "BUY",
      "type": "LIMIT",
      "timeInForce": "GTC",
      "price": "40000",
      "origQty": "2",
      "origQuoteQty": "48000",
      "executedQty": "1.2",
      "leavingQty": "string",
      "tradeBase": "2",
      "tradeQuote": "48000",
      "avgPrice": "42350",
      "fee": "string",
      "feeCurrency": "string",
      "state": "NEW",
      "deductServices":[{   //Fee deduction list (if set XT deduction fee and the deduction occurs, use this field to represent the trade fee. Otherwise, use the original fee and feeCurrency fields to represent the trade fee). 
      "time": 1655958915583,
      "ip": "",
      "updatedTime": 1655958915583

Cancel the current pending order Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
symbol string false Trading pair, if not filled in, represents all
bizType string true SPOT, LEVER
side string false BUY,SELL

Limit Flow Rules

Note: The parameters should be placed in the request body in the form of json

  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {}

Query historical orders Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
symbol string false Trading pair, if not filled in, represents all
bizType string false SPOT, LEVER
side string false BUY,SELL
type string false LIMIT, MARKET
state string false order state,
fromId number false start id
direction string false query direction:PREV, NEXT
limit number false 20 Limit number, max 100
startTime number false eg:1657682804112
endTime number false
hiddenCanceled bool false

Limit Flow Rules


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {
    "hasPrev": true,
    "hasNext": true,
    "items": [   //For field information, refer to the Get single interface
        "symbol": "BTC_USDT",
        "orderId": "6216559590087220004",
        "clientOrderId": "16559590087220001",
        "baseCurrency": "string",
        "quoteCurrency": "string",
        "side": "BUY",
        "type": "LIMIT",
        "timeInForce": "GTC",
        "price": "40000",
        "origQty": "2",
        "origQuoteQty": "48000",
        "executedQty": "1.2",
        "leavingQty": "string",
        "tradeBase": "2",
        "tradeQuote": "48000",
        "avgPrice": "42350",
        "fee": "string",
        "feeCurrency": "string",
        "state": "NEW",
        "deductServices":[{   //Fee deduction list (if set XT deduction fee and the deduction occurs, use this field to represent the trade fee. Otherwise, use the original fee and feeCurrency fields to represent the trade fee). 
        "time": 1655958915583,
        "ip": "",
        "updatedTime": 1655958915583

Query trade Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
symbol string false Trading pair, if not filled in, represents all
bizType string false SPOT, LEVER
orderSide string false BUY,SELL
orderType string false LIMIT, MARKET
orderId number false
fromId number false start id
direction string false query direction:PREV, NEXT
limit number false 20 Limit number, max 100
startTime number false start time eg:1657682804112
endTime number false
  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {
    "hasPrev": true,
    "hasNext": true,
    "items": [
        "symbol": "BTC_USDT",  
        "tradeId": "6316559590087222001",  
        "orderId": "6216559590087220004",  
        "orderSide": "BUY",    
        "orderType": "LIMIT",  
        "bizType": "SPOT",    
        "time": 1655958915583,  
        "price": "40000",     
        "quantity": "1.2",    
        "quoteQty": "48000",   //amount
        "baseCurrency": "BTC",  
        "quoteCurrency": "USDT",  
        "fee": "0.5",   
        "feeCurrency": "USDT", 
        "takerMaker": "taker"  //takerMaker

Get currency information Edit


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": [
       "id": 11,                //currency id
      "currency": "usdt",       //currency name
      "fullName": "usdt",       //currency full name
      "logo": null,             //currency logo
      "cmcLink": null,          //cmc link
      "weight": 100,    
      "maxPrecision": 6,  
      "depositStatus": 1,       //Recharge status(0 close 1 open)
      "withdrawStatus": 1,      //Withdrawal status(0 close 1 open)
      "convertEnabled": 1,      //Small asset exchange switch[0=close;1=open]
      "transferEnabled": 1      //swipe switch[0=close;1=open]

Get a single currency asset Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
currency string true eg:usdt
  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {
    "currency": "usdt",  
    "currencyId": 0,   
    "frozenAmount": 0,  
    "availableAmount": 0,  
    "totalAmount": 0,    
    "convertBtcAmount": 0  //Converted BTC amount

Get a list of currency assets Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
currencies string false List of currencies, comma separated,eg: usdt,btc

Limit Flow Rules


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {
    "totalBtcAmount": 0,
    "assets": [    
        "currency": "string",
        "currencyId": 0,
        "frozenAmount": 0,
        "availableAmount": 0,
        "totalAmount": 0,
        "convertBtcAmount": 0

Get information of currencies (available for deposit and withdraw) Edit



The currency and chain in the response need to be used in other deposit/withdrawal API

  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": [
        "currency": "BTC",                  //Currency
        "supportChains": [
                "chain": "Bitcon",             //Supported Transfer Networks
                "depositEnabled": true,        //Deposit Supported
                "withdrawEnabled": true,       //Withdrawal Supported
                "contract": "futureAddress",   //Future Address
                "depositMinAmount": 1,         //Minimum Deposit Amount
                "depositFeeRate": 0.2,         //Recharge Fee Rate, Percentage
                "depositConfirmations": 2,     //Recharge Confirmation Block Count
                "withdrawMinAmount": 10,       //Minimum Withdrawal Amount
                "withdrawPrecision": 4,        //Withdrawal Amount Precision
                "withdrawFeeAmount": 0.2,      //Withdrawal Fee
                "withdrawFeeCurrency": "btc",  //Withdrawal Fee Currency
        "currency": "ETH",                  //Currency
        "supportChains": [
                "chain": "Ethereum",           //Supported Transfer Networks
                "depositEnabled": true,        //Deposit Supported
                "withdrawEnabled": true,       //Withdrawal Supported
                "contract": "futureAddress",   //Future Address
                "depositMinAmount": 1,         //Minimum Deposit Amount
                "depositFeeRate": 0.2,         //Recharge Fee Rate, Percentage
                "depositConfirmations": 2,     //Recharge Confirmation Block Count
                "withdrawMinAmount": 10,       //Minimum Withdrawal Amount
                "withdrawPrecision": 4,        //Withdrawal Amount Precision
                "withdrawFeeAmount": 0.2,      //Withdrawal Fee
                "withdrawFeeCurrency": "eth",  //Withdrawal Fee Currency

Get the deposit address Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
chain string true network for deposit
currency string true currency name
  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {
    "address": "0xfa3abfa50eb2006f5be7831658b17aca240d8526",     //wallet address
    "memo": ""

Get history records of deposit Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
currency string true Currency name, can be obtained from the response of "Get the supported currencies for deposit or withdrawal" API
chain string true Transfer networks, can be obtained from the response of "Get the supported currencies for deposit or withdrawal" API
status string false The status of deposit SUBMIT、REVIEW、AUDITED、PENDING、SUCCESS、FAIL、CANCEL
fromId long false Start ID, e.g. 6216559590087220004
direction string false NEXT query direction query direction:PREV, NEXT
limit int false 10 Limit number, max 200 1<=limit<=200
startTime long false Start time used for filtering deposit list, timestamp in milliseconds
endTime long false End time used for filtering deposit list, timestamp in milliseconds
  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {
    "hasPrev": true,            //Is there a previous page
    "hasNext": true,            //Is there a next page
    "items": [
         "id": 169669597,       //Unique ID of the deposit record
         "currency": "xlm2",    //Currency name
         "chain": "XLM",        //Transfer Network
         "memo": "441824256",   //memo
         "status": "SUCCESS",   //The status of deposit
         "amount": "0.1",       //Deposit amount
         "confirmations": 12,   //Number of block confirmations
         "transactionId": "28dd15b5c119e00886517f129e5e1f8283f0286b277bcd3cd1f95f7fd4a1f7fc",   //Unique ID of transaction
         "address": "GBY6UIYEYLAAXRQXVO7X5I4BSSCS54EAHTUILXWMW6ONPM3PNEA3LWEC",     //Target address of deposit
         "fromAddr": "GBTISB3JK65DG6LEEYYFW33RMMDHBQ65AEUPE5VDBTCLYYFS533FTG6Q",    //From address of deposit
         "createdTime": 1667260957000   //Time of deposit record in millisecondstime

Withdraw Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
currency string true Currency name, which can be obtained from the 'Get the supported currencies for deposit or withdrawal' interface
chain string false The name of the transfer network, which can be obtained from the interface of 'Get the supported currencies for deposit or withdrawal' interface
clientOrderId string false Custom Client ID, regular:^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{4,32}$
amount number true Withdrawal amount, including handling fee
address string false Withdrawal address
memo string false memo,For EOS similar chains that require memo must be transferred
toAccountId number false Receiving user ID

Note: The parameters are placed in the body in the form of json

Limit Flow Rules


    "rc": 0,
    "mc": "SUCCESS",
    "ma": [],
    "result": {      
        "id": 100    //Long  Withdrawal record id, used for querying withdrawal history later

Withdraw Detail Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
recordId string false Withdrawal record id, obtained from the withdrawal endpoint, it is recommended to use it first
clientOrderId string false Client ID

Limit Flow Rules


    "rc": 0,
    "mc": "SUCCESS",
    "ma": [],
    "result": {      
        "id": 100,                     //Withdrawal record id
        "clientOrderId": 10,           //Client ID
        "type": 0,                     //Type CHAIN_TRANSFER-Blockchain withdrawal INTERNAL_TRANSFER-Internal withdrawal
        "currency": "btc",             //currency
        "address": "xxxxx",            //Withdrawal address
        "status": "REVIEW",            //Refer to public module-Deposit/withdrawal record status
        "amount": 0.1,                 //Withdrawal Amount
        "fee": 0.0001,                 //Withdrawal Fee
        "chain": "Tron",               //Chain
        "memo": "yyyyy",               //memo
        "confirmations": 2,            //Number of block confirmations
        "transactionId": "490267492",  //Transaction hash
        "createdTime": 1737093343000   //Withdrawal application time, timestamp in milliseconds

Withdrawal history Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
currency string true Currency name, which can be obtained from the 'Get the supported currencies for deposit or withdrawal' interface
chain string true The name of the transfer network, which can be obtained from the interface of 'Get the supported currencies for deposit or withdrawal' interface
status string false The status of the withdrawal record, string type,Refer to public module-Deposit/withdrawal status SUBMIT、REVIEW、AUDITED、AUDITED_AGAIN、PENDING、SUCCESS、FAIL、CANCEL
fromId Long false The Id of the last pagination, that is, the primary key id of the record
direction String false NEXT Page direction NEXT:next page,PREV:previous page
limit int false 10 Number of records per page, maximum 200 1<=limit<=200
startTime Long false Query range start boundary, timestamp in milliseconds
endTime Long false Query range end boundary, timestamp in milliseconds
  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {
        "hasPrev": true,                      //Is there a previous page                              
        "hasNext": true,                      //Is there a next page                              
        "items": [
                "id": 763111,                 //Withdrawal record id 
                "clientOrderId": 10,          //Client ID
                "type": 0,                    //Type CHAIN_TRANSFER-Blockchain withdrawal INTERNAL_TRANSFER-Internal withdrawal
                "currency": "usdt",           //Currency 
                "chain": "Ethereum",          //Withdraw network 
                "address": "0xfa3abf",        //Withdrawal target address 
                "memo": "",
                "status": "REVIEW",           //Refer to public module-Deposit/withdrawal record status
                "amount": "30",               //Withdrawal Amount
                "fee": "0",                   //Withdrawal fee
                "confirmations": 0,           //Number of block confirmations
                "transactionId": "",          //Transaction hash
                "createdTime": 1667763470000  //Withdrawal application time, timestamp in milliseconds
                "id": 763107,
                "clientOrderId": 10,  
                "type": 0,       
                "currency": "usdt",
                "chain": "Tron",
                "address": "TYnJJw",
                "memo": "",
                "status": "REVIEW",
                "amount": "50",
                "fee": "1",
                "confirmations": 0,
                "transactionId": "",
                "createdTime": 1667428286000

BTCsn deposit Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
currency string true currency
serial string true serial
passcode string true passcode

Note: The parameters are placed in the body in the form of json

    "rc": 0,
    "mc": "SUCCESS",
    "ma": [],
    "result": {      

BTCsn deposit or withdraw history Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
type number false 2 type,1-deposit;2-withdraw
status number false status,0-submit;1-under review;2-reviewed;3-completed;4-reject;5-cancel
currency string false currency
startTime number false start time (timestamp)
endTime number false end time (timestamp)
page number false page index
size number false page size
    "rc": 0,
    "mc": "SUCCESS",
    "ma": [],
    "result": {   
              id: 123,
              type: 2,
              currencyId: 2280,
              currencyName: "btcsn",
              amount: 0.01,
              fee: 0.7511888,
              feeCurrencyId: 11, 
              feeCurrencyName: "usdt",
              serial: 123,
              status: 3,
              password: 123456,
              createTime: 1730967448000

BTCsn withdraw Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
currency string true currency
serial string true serial

Note: The parameters are placed in the body in the form of json

    "rc": 0,
    "mc": "SUCCESS",
    "ma": [],
    "result": {      

Transfer between user business systems Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
bizId string true Unique id for idempotent processing Maximum length is 128
from enum true Fund transfer out account bizType enmu
to enum true Fund transfer in account bizType enum
currency string true Currency name must be all lowercase (usdt,btc)
symbol string false The transfer symbol must be all lowercase (this field must be passed if one of the transfer-in and transfer-out parties is leverage)
amount bigDecimal true Transfer amount
public String transferPost(){


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "SUCCESS",
  "ma": [],
  "result": 123456 //The returned unique id of the transfer, it is recommended to store it for reconciliation

Transfer between sub-account business systems Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
bizId string true Unique id for idempotent processing Maximum length is 128
from enum true Fund transfer out account bizType enmu
to enum true Fund transfer in account bizType enum
currency string true Currency name must be all lowercase (usdt,btc)
symbol string false The transfer symbol must be all lowercase (this field must be passed if one of the transfer-in and transfer-out parties is leverage)
amount bigDecimal true Transfer amount
toAccountId long true Transfer-in account id (must belong to the same user as the transfer-out account ID)
fromAccountId long false Transfer-out account id
public String accountTransferPost(){


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "SUCCESS",
  "ma": [],
  "result": 123456 //The returned unique id of the transfer, it is recommended to store it for reconciliation

Query Convertible Small Assets Edit


Limit Flow Rules


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {
                "details": [
                                "currency": "ADA",             // currency
                                "amount": "6.21",              // amount
                                "toBtc": "0.00016848",         // BTC Valuation
                                "convertAmount": "0.01777302", // Conversion Valuation (Before Fees Deduction)
                                "convertFee": "0.00035546"     // Conversion Valuation Fee
                "convertCurrency": "XT",                       // Converted Currency Received
                "totalToBtc": "0.00016848",                    // Total BTC Valuation
                "totalConvertAmount": "0.01777302",            // Total Conversion Valuation (Before Fees Deduction)
                "totalConvertFee": "0.02"                      // Total Conversion Valuation Fee

Small Assets Conversion Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
currencies array true collection Up to 5 currencys can be converted

Limit Flow Rules



Can only be converted once every 24 hours

    "currencies": [

  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {

Query Small Assets Conversion List Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
currency string true currency eg: usdt
startTime number true start time
endTime number true end time

Limit Flow Rules



Return only the latest 100 records

  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": [
                    "currency": "ADA",          // currency
                    "amount": "6.21",           // amount
                    "convertAmount": "6.21",    // convert amount
                    "convertCurrency": "XT",    // convert currency
                    "convertFee": "0.00035546", // convert fee
                    "createTime": 1615985535000 // create time

General WSS information Edit

Base Address


Request Headers

The request header of the compression extension protocol must be added.


Request message format Edit

    "method": "subscribe", 
    "params": [
    "id": "{id}"    //call back ID
    "method": "unsubscribe", 
    "params": [
    "id": "{id}"   //call back ID

Response message format Edit

    "id": "{id}",   //call back ID
    "code": 1,      //result 0=success;1=fail;2=listenKey invalid
    "msg": ""
{"id":"123", "code": 0, "msg": "success"}   
{"id":"123", "code": 401, "msg": "token expire"}

Push message format Edit

    "topic": "trade",             
    "event": "trade@btc_usdt",    //title
    "data": { }                   
    "topic": "trade", 
    "event": "trade@btc_usdt", 
    "data": {
        "s": "btc_usdt",           //symbol
        "i": 6316559590087222000,  //tradeId
        "t": 1655992403617,        //time
        "oi": 6616559590087222666, //orderId
        "p": "43000",              //price
        "q": "0.21",               //quantity
        "v": "9030"                //quoteQty
        "b": true                  //whether is buyerMaker or not

Heartbeat Edit

Each link of the client needs to send a text “ping” periodically, and the server will reply to the text “pong”. If the server does not receive a ping message from the client within 1 minute, it will actively disconnect the link.

Subscription parameters Edit



Orderbook manage Edit

How to manage a local order book correctly

1.Open a stream to wss://stream.xt.com/public , depth_update@btc_usdt

2.Buffer the events you receive from the stream.

3.Get a depth snapshot from https://sapi.xt.com/v4/public/depth?symbol=btc_usdt&limit=500

4.Drop any event where i is <= lastUpdateId in the snapshot.

5.The first processed event should have fi <= lastUpdateId+1 AND i >= lastUpdateId+1.

6.While listening to the stream, each new event’s fi should be equal to the previous event’s i+1.

7.The data in each event is the absolute quantity for a price level.

8.If the quantity is 0, remove the price level.

9.Receiving an event that removes a price level that is not in your local order book can happen and is normal.

Note: Due to depth snapshots having a limit on the number of price levels, a price level outside of the initial snapshot that doesn’t have a quantity change won’t have an update in the Diff. Depth Stream. Consequently, those price levels will not be visible in the local order book even when applying all updates from the Diff. Depth Stream correctly and cause the local order book to have some slight differences with the real order book. However, for most use cases the depth limit of 500 is enough to understand the market and trade effectively.

Trade record Edit


format: trade@{symbol}

eg: trade@btc_usdt

rate: real

    "topic": "trade", 
    "event": "trade@btc_usdt", 
    "data": {
        "s": "btc_usdt",           //symbol
        "i": 6316559590087222000,  //tradeId
        "t": 1655992403617,        //time
        "oi": 6616559590087222666, //orderId
        "p": "43000",              //price
        "q": "0.21",               //quantity
        "v": "9030"                //quoteQty
        "b": true                  //whether is buyerMaker or not

K-line Edit



format: kline@{symbol},{interval}

interval: 1m, 3m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 6h, 8h, 12h, 1d, 3d, 1w, 1M

eg: kline@btc_usdt,5m

rate: 1000ms


    "topic": "kline", 
    "event": "kline@btc_usdt,5m", 
    "data": {
        "s": "btc_usdt",        // symbol
        "t": 1656043200000,     // time
        "i": "5m",              // interval
        "o": "44000",           // open price
        "c": "50000",           // close price
        "h": "52000",           // highest price
        "l": "36000",           // lowest price
        "q": "34.2",            // qty(quantity)
        "v": "230000"           // volume

Limited depth Edit



format: depth@{symbol},{levels}

levels: 5, 10, 20, 50

eg: depth@btc_usdt,20

rate: 1000ms

    "topic": "depth", 
    "event": "depth@btc_usdt,20", 
    "data": {
        "s": "btc_usdt",        // symbol
        "i": 12345678,          // updateId
        "t": 1657699200000,     // time
        "a": [                  // asks(sell order)
            [                   //[0]price, [1]quantity
                "34000",        //price
                "1.2"           //quantity 
        "b": [                   // bids(buy order)

Incremental depth Edit


format: depth_update@{symbol}

eg: depth_update@btc_usdt

rate: 100ms

    "topic": "depth_update", 
    "event": "depth_update@btc_usdt", 
    "data": {
        "s": "btc_usdt",        // symbol
        "fi": 121,              // firstUpdateId = previous lastUpdateId + 1
        "i": 123,               // lastUpdateId
        "a": [                  // asks  sell order
            [                   // [0]price, [1]quantity
                "34000",        //price
                "1.2"           //quantity
        "b": [                  // bids buy order

ticker Edit


format: ticker@{symbol}

eg: ticker@btc_usdt

rate: 1000ms

    "topic": "ticker", 
    "event": "ticker@btc_usdt", 
    "data": {
        "s": "btc_usdt",      // symbol
        "t": 1657586700119,   // time(Last transaction time)
        "cv": "-200",         // priceChangeValue(24 hour price change)
        "cr": "-0.02",        // priceChangeRate 24-hour price change (percentage)
        "o": "30000",         // open price
        "c": "39000",         // close price
        "h": "38000",         // highest price
        "l": "40000",         // lowest price
        "q": "4",             // quantity
        "v": "150000",        // volume

General WSS information Edit

Base Address


Request Headers

The request header of the compression extension protocol must be added.


Request message format Edit

param format


    "method": "subscribe", 
    "params": [
        "{topic}@{arg},{arg}",    //event
    "listenKey": "512312356123123123",   //the listener Key, Apply accessToken through /v4/ws-token interface
    "id": "{id}"
    "method": "unsubscribe", 
    "params": [
        "{topic}@{arg},{arg}",    //event
    "listenKey": "512312356123123123",   //the listener Key, Apply accessToken through /v4/ws-token interface
    "id": "{id}"

Response message format Edit

    "id": "{id}", //call back ID
    "code": 1,     //result 0=success;1=fail;2=listenKey invalid
    "msg": ""

Get token Edit


Limit Flow Rules



The accessToken is valid for 2 days. Calling the endpoint again will reset the validity period.

accessToken = listenKey

    "rc": 0,
    "mc": "SUCCESS",
    "ma": [],
    "result": {
        "accessToken": "eyJhbqGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2NvdW50SWQiOiIyMTQ2Mjg1MzIyNTU5Iiwic3ViIjoibGh4dDRfMDAwMUBzbmFwbWFpbC5jYyIsInNjb3BlIjoiYXV0aCIsImlzcyI6Inh0LmNvbSIsImxhc3RBdXRoVGltZSI6MTY2MzgxMzY5MDk1NSwic2lnblR5cGUiOiJBSyIsInVzZXJOYW1lIjoibGh4dDRfMDAwMUBzbmFwbWFpbC5jYyIsImV4cCI6MTY2NjQwNTY5MCwiZGV2aWNlIjoidW5rbm93biIsInVzZXJJZCI6MjE0NjI4NTMyMjU1OX0.h3zJlJBQrK2x1HvUxsKivnn6PlSrSDXXXJ7WqHAYSrN2CG5XPTKc4zKnTVoYFbg6fTS0u1fT8wH7wXqcLWXX71vm0YuP8PCvdPAkUIq4-HyzltbPr5uDYd0UByx0FPQtq1exvsQGe7evXQuDXx3SEJXxEqUbq_DNlXPTq_JyScI",
        "refreshToken": "eyJhbGciOiqJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2NvdW50SWQiOiIyMTQ2Mjg1MzIyNTU5Iiwic3ViIjoibGh4dDRfMDAwMUBzbmFwbWFpbC5jYyIsInNjb3BlIjoicmVmcmVzaCIsImlzcyI6Inh0LmNvbSIsImxhc3RBdXRoVGltZSI6MTY2MzgxMzY5MDk1NSwic2lnblR5cGUiOiJBSyIsInVzZXJOYW1lIjoibGh4dDRfMDAwMUBzbmFwbWFpbC5jYyIsImV4cCI6MTY2NjQwNTY5MCwiZGV2aWNlIjoidW5rbm93biIsInVzZXJJZCI6MjE0NjI4NTMyMjU1OX0.Fs3YVm5YrEOzzYOSQYETSmt9iwxUHBovh2u73liv1hLUec683WGfktA_s28gMk4NCpZKFeQWFii623FvdfNoteXR0v1yZ2519uNvNndtuZICDdv3BQ4wzW1wIHZa1skxFfqvsDnGdXpjqu9UFSbtHwxprxeYfnxChNk4ssei430"

Push message format Edit

    "topic": "trade",          
    "event": "trade@btc_usdt", 
    "data": { }                

Change of balance Edit


format: balance

eg: balance

    "topic": "balance", 
    "event": "balance", 
    "data": {
        "a": "123",           // accountId                     
        "t": 1656043204763,   // time happened time
        "c": "btc",           // currency
        "b": "123",           // all spot balance
        "f": "11",            // frozen
        "z": "SPOT",           // bizType [SPOT,LEVER]
        "s": "btc_usdt"       // symbol

Change of order Edit


format: order

eg: order

    "topic": "order", 
    "event": "order", 
    "data": {
        "s": "btc_usdt",                // symbol
        "bc": "btc",                    // base currency 
        "qc": "usdt",                   // quotation currency 
        "t": 1656043204763,             // happened time
        "ct": 1656043204663,            // create time
        "i": "6216559590087220004",     // order id,
        "ci": "test123",                // client order id
        "sd": "BUY",                    // side BUY/SELL
        "tp": "LIMIT",                  // type LIMIT/MARKET
        "oq":  "4"                      // original quantity
        "oqq":  48000,                  // original quotation quantity 
        "eq": "2",                      // executed quantity
        "lq": "2",                      // remaining quantity
        "p": "4000",                    // price 
        "ap": "30000",                  // avg price
        "f":"0.002"                     // fee 

Order filled Edit


format: trade

eg: trade

    "topic": "trade", 
    "event": "trade", 
    "data": {
        "s": "btc_usdt",           //symbol
        "i": 6316559590087222000,  //tradeId
        "t": 1655992403617,        //time
        "oi": 6616559590087222666, //orderId
        "p": "43000",              //price
        "q": "0.21",               //quantity
        "v": "9030",               //quoteQty
        "b": true,                 //whether is buyerMaker or not
        "tm": 1                    //1-taker 2-maker


生产环境: https://sapi.xt.com

接口的基本信息 Edit


GET请求参数放入query Params中,POST请求参数放入request body中



限频规则 Edit






签名说明 Edit






服务器收到请求时会判断请求中的时间戳,最长60秒,最小为2秒,如果是5000毫秒之前发出的,则请求会被认为无效。这个时间窗口值可以通过发送可选参数recvWindow来设置。 另外,如果服务器计算得出客户端时间戳在服务器时间的‘未来’一秒以上,也会拒绝请求。 关于交易时效性 互联网状况并不100%可靠,不可完全依赖,因此你的程序本地到XT服务器的时延会有抖动. 这是我们设置recvwindow的目的所在,如果你从事高频交易,对交易时效性有较高的要求,可以灵活设置recvwindow以达到你的要求。


5、加入algorithms (签名方法/算法),用户计算签名是基于哈希的协议,推荐使用HmacSHA256。具体支持那些协议,请参见下面表格中所列出。


签名生成 Edit


以下是在linux bash环境下使用 echo openssl 和curl工具实现的一个调用接口下单的示例 appkey、secret仅供示范:

appKey: 3976eb88-76d0-4f6e-a6b2-a57980770085

secretKey: bc6630d0231fda5cd98794f52c4998659beda290


validate-algorithms: HmacSHA256

validate-appkey: 3976eb88-76d0-4f6e-a6b2-a57980770085

validate-recvwindow: 5000

validate-timestamp: 1641446237201

validate-signature: 2b5eb11e18796d12d88f13dc27dbbd02c2cc51ff7059765ed9821957d82bb4d9


  type: 'LIMIT',
  timeInForce: 'GTC',
  side: 'BUY',
  symbol: 'btc_usdt',
  price: '39000',
  quantity: '2'


method: 大写的请求方法,例如:GET、POST、DELETE、PUT

path: 按照path中顺序将所有value进行拼接。形如/test/{var1}/{var2}/的restful路径将按填入的实际参数后路径拼接,示例:/sign/test/bb/aa

query: 按照key的字典序排序,将所有key=value进行拼接。示例:userName=dfdfdf&password=ggg

    Json: 直接按JSON字符串不做转换或排序操作。

    x-www-form-urlencoded: 按照key的字典序排序,将所有key=value进行拼接,示例:userName=dfdfdf&password=ggg 




















整个数据最且拼接值由#符号分别与method、path、query、body进行拼接成#method、#path、#query、#body,最终拼接值记作为Y=#method#path#query#body。 注意:




2、请求头部分 将key按照字母自然升序后,使用&方式拼接在一起,作为X。如:





signature=org.apache.commons.codec.digest.HmacUtils.hmacSha256Hex(secretkey, original);





    curl --location --request POST 'https://sapi.xt.com/v4/order' 
    --header 'accept: */*' 
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' 
    --header 'validate-algorithms: HmacSHA256' 
    --header 'validate-appkey: 10c172ca-d791-4da5-91cd-e74d202dac96' 
    --header 'validate-recvwindow: 60000' 
    --header 'validate-timestamp: 1666026215729' 
    --header 'validate-signature: 4cb36e820f50d2e353e5e0a182dc4a955b1c26efcb4b513d81eec31dd36072ba' 
    --data-raw '{"symbol":"XT_USDT","side":"BUY","type":"LIMIT","timeInForce":"GTC","bizType":"SPOT","price":3,"quantity":2}'

    注意检查 Content-Type、签名原始报文中的参数格式、请求报文中的参数格式

API Key申请步骤 Edit

接口可能需要用户的 API Key,如何创建API-KEY请参考这里

API 代码库 Edit

Java connector



  java : https://github.com/xt-com/xt4-java-demo
  golang : https://github.com/xt-com/xt4-go-demo
  c# : https://github.com/xt-com/xt4-c--demo



响应格式 Edit


    "rc": 0,
    "result": {
    "mc": "SUCCESS"
    "ma": []

响应代码 Edit

httpStatus 描述
200 请求成功,请进一步查看rc、mc部分
404 接口不存在
429 请求过于频繁,请按照限速要求,控制请求速率
500 服务异常
502 网关异常
503 服务不可用,请稍后重试
rc return Code
0 业务成功
1 业务失败
mc message code
AUTH_001 缺少请求头 validate-appkey
AUTH_002 缺少请求头 validate-timestamp
AUTH_003 缺少请求头 validate-recvwindow
AUTH_004 错误的请求头 validate-recvwindow
AUTH_005 缺少请求头 validate-algorithms
AUTH_006 错误的请求头 validate-algorithms
AUTH_007 缺少请求头 validate-signature
AUTH_101 ApiKey不存在
AUTH_102 ApiKey未激活
AUTH_103 签名错误
AUTH_104 非绑定IP请求
AUTH_105 报文过时
AUTH_106 超出apikey权限
SYMBOL_001 交易对不存在
SYMBOL_002 交易对未开盘
SYMBOL_003 交易对暂停交易
SYMBOL_004 此交易对不支持您所在的国家
SYMBOL_005 该市场不支持通过API进行交易
SYMBOL_007 该交易对暂不支持改单
SYMBOL_010 该市场不支持您进行交易
SYMBOL_011 由于该交易币对属于高风险币种,平台暂时限制该交易对的交易,如需交易,请通过在线客服申请
ORDER_001 平台拒单
ORDER_002 资金不足
ORDER_003 交易对暂停交易
ORDER_004 禁止交易
ORDER_005 订单不存在
ORDER_006 过多的未完成订单
ORDER_007 子账户暂无交易权限
ORDER_008 当前下单价格或数量精度异常
ORDER_F0101 触发价格过滤器-最小值
ORDER_F0102 触发价格过滤器-最大值
ORDER_F0103 触发价格过滤器-步进值
ORDER_F0201 触发数量过滤器-最小值
ORDER_F0202 触发数量过滤器-最大值
ORDER_F0203 触发数量过滤器-步进值
ORDER_F0301 触发金额过滤器-最小值
ORDER_F0401 触发开盘保护滤器或限价保护过滤器
ORDER_F0501 触发限价保护滤器-买单最大偏离度
ORDER_F0502 触发限价保护滤器-卖单最大偏离度
ORDER_F0503 触发限价保护滤器-买单限制系数
ORDER_F0504 触发限价保护滤器-卖单限制系数
ORDER_F0601 触发市价保护滤器
ORDER_F0704 杠杠限价订单爆仓价格限制
COMMON_001 用户不存在
COMMON_002 系统繁忙,请稍后再试
COMMON_003 操作失败,请稍后再试
CURRENCY_001 币种信息异常
DEPOSIT_001 充值暂未开放
DEPOSIT_002 当前账号安全等级较低,请绑定手机/邮箱/谷歌身份验证器中的任意两种安全验证后再进行充值
DEPOSIT_003 地址格式不正确,请重新输入
DEPOSIT_004 地址已存在,请重新输入
DEPOSIT_005 冷钱包地址未找到
DEPOSIT_006 暂无充值地址,请稍后再试
DEPOSIT_007 地址生成中,请稍后再试
DEPOSIT_008 不支持充值
WITHDRAW_001 提现暂未开放
WITHDRAW_002 提币地址不合法
WITHDRAW_003 当前账号安全等级较低,请绑定手机/邮箱/谷歌身份验证器中的任意两种安全验证后再进行提现
WITHDRAW_004 未添加提币地址
WITHDRAW_005 提币地址不能为空
WITHDRAW_006 Memo不能为空
WITHDRAW_008 触发风控,暂不支持该币提现
WITHDRAW_009 提现失败,本次提现中部分资产受T+1提币限制
WITHDRAW_010 提币精度不合法
WITHDRAW_011 可用余额不足
WITHDRAW_012 提现失败,您今日剩余提现额度不足
WITHDRAW_013 提现失败,您今日剩余提现额度不足,可通过完成更高等级的实名认证提高额度
WITHDRAW_014 该笔提现地址不能使用内部转账功能,请取消内部转账功能后再提交
WITHDRAW_015 提现金额不足以抵扣手续费
WITHDRAW_016 提币地址已经存在
WITHDRAW_017 本次提币已处理,无法取消
WITHDRAW_018 Memo必须为数字
WITHDRAW_019 Memo不正确,请重新输入
WITHDRAW_020 您今日提现额度已达上限,请明天再试
WITHDRAW_021 您今日提现额度已达上限,本次最多只能提现{0}
WITHDRAW_022 提现金额必须大于{0}
WITHDRAW_023 提现金额必须小于{0}
WITHDRAW_024 不支持提现
WITHDRAW_025 请前往充值页面创建FIO地址
FUND_001 请求重复(一个bizId请求多次接口)
FUND_002 余额不足
FUND_003 划转操作不支持 (比如子账户不支持理财划入划出)
FUND_004 解冻失败
FUND_005 划转禁止
FUND_014 划入账户id和划出账户id不可以一样
FUND_015 from和to 业务类型不可相同(用户不可以操作自己现货划转到现货)
FUND_016 杠杆交易对不可为空
FUND_017 参数错误
FUND_018 冻结记录无效
FUND_019 解冻用户不相等
FUND_020 解冻币种不相等
FUND_021 操作不支持
FUND_022 冻结记录不存在
FUND_044 金额最大长度为113 不可超过限制
SYMBOL_001 交易对不存在
TRANSFER_001 请求重复(一个bizId请求多次接口)
TRANSFER_002 余额不足
TRANSFER_003 用户未注册
TRANSFER_004 币种不允许划转
TRANSFER_005 用户币种不允许划转
TRANSFER_006 划转禁止
TRANSFER_007 请求超时
TRANSFER_008 杠杆划入异常
TRANSFER_009 杠杆划出异常
TRANSFER_010 杠杆清零 划出禁止
TRANSFER_011 杠杆有借贷 划出禁止
TRANSFER_012 币种划转禁止
GATEWAY_0001 触发风控
GATEWAY_0002 触发风控
GATEWAY_0003 触发风控
GATEWAY_0004 触发风控

公共模块 Edit


State 说明
NEW 新建
EXPIRED 过期(time_in_force撤单或溢价撤单)


Type 说明


State 说明



TimeInForces 说明
GTC 成交为止,一直有效
IOC 无法立即成交(吃单)的部分就撤销
FOK 无法全部立即成交就撤销
GTX 只挂单,触发成交条件会被立即撤销


Status 说明
SUBMIT 提现: 未冻结
REVIEW 提现: 已冻结,待审核
AUDITED 提现: 已审核,发送钱包,待上链
PENDING 充值/提现: 已上链


Status Description

FAQ Edit

1.AUTH_105:服务器在校验请求头参数validate-timestamp(validTimeStamp)、validate-recvwindow(recvwindow)时, 需要符合以下规则:dealTimeStamp(请求被处理时服务器时间,单位毫秒)- validTimeStamp < recvwindow ,否则就会返回AUTH_105,为了避免此错误,建议validate-timestamp 设置为请求发出的时间,以毫秒为单位,validate-recvwindow设置的大一点

联系我们 Edit

XT API电报群: XT API Support Group
XT API工单: Create API Ticket

  • 咨询文档中没有提及的API问题
  • 咨询API或者Websocket性能方面的问题
  • 咨询做市相关的问题

XT 客服:官网、App中在线客服

  • 咨询关于钱包、短信、2FA等问题

获取服务器时间 Edit


public String getServerInfo(){


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "SUCCESS",
  "ma": [],
  "result": {
    "serverTime": 1662435658062  //服务器时间

获取客户端IP Edit


public String getClient(){


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "SUCCESS",
  "ma": [],
  "result": {

获取交易对信息 Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
symbol string false 交易对 eg:btc_usdt
symbols string false 交易对集合,优先级高于symbol。 eg: btc_usdt,eth_usdt
version string false 版本号,当请求版本号与响应内容版本一致时,不返回清单,减少IO eg: 2e14d2cd5czcb2c2af2c1db65078d075





过滤器,即Filter,定义了一系列交易规则。针对不同的领域或者实体有不同的过滤器,这里主要介绍针对symbol这个实体的过滤器。 对于symbol来说,有两种过滤器,一种是全局过滤器,一种是针对某个交易对定制的过滤器。


价格过滤器 用于检测订单中 price 参数的合法性。包含以下三个部分:

1.min 定义了订单中price允许的最小值

2.max 定义了订单中price允许的最大值

3.tickSize 定义了订单中price的步进间隔,即price必须等于minPrice+(tickSize的整数倍)



  • price >= min
  • price <= max
  • (price-minPrice) % tickSize == 0


其逻辑和PRICE FILTER 类似,不过针对的是订单数量。


1.min 允许的最小值

2.max 允许的最大值

3.tickSize  步进间隔,即quantity必须等于minQuantity+(tickSize的整数倍)



  • quantity>= min
  • quantity<= max
  • (quantity-minQuantity)% tickSize == 0






1.对于限价LIMIT类型的订单,需满足 price*quantity>=min










对于订单类型(orderType)为LIMIT(限价) 类型的订单具有价格保护限制,包含以下四个部分

1.buyMaxDeviation: 买单最大偏离度,根据该值和最新成交价确定买单价格最小值

2.buyPriceLimitCoefficient: 买单限制系数,根据该值和最新成交价确定买单价格最大值

3.sellMaxDeviation: 卖单最大偏离度,根据该值和最新成交价确定卖单价格最大值

4.sellPriceLimitCoefficient: 卖单限制系数,根据该值和最新成交价确定卖单价格最小值



买单: price >= latestPrice-latestPrice*buyMaxDeviation  && price <= latestPrice+latestPrice*buyPriceLimitCoefficient

卖单: price <= latestPrice+latestPrice*sellMaxDeviation  && price >= latestPrice-latestPrice*sellPriceLimitCoefficient



对于市价类型订单,市场价格须满足以下条件,订单才会通过(sellBestPrice  卖一价格,buyBestPrice 买一价格,latestPrice 最新成交价,这些数据均通过历史成交数据获得)

买单: latestPrice + latestPrice* maxDeviation >= sellBestPrice 

卖单: latestPrice - latestPrice* maxDeviation <= buyBestPrice

对于以上情况maxDeviation,latestPrice,sellBestPrice ,buyBestPrice


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "SUCCESS",
  "ma": [],
  "result": {
    "time": 1662444177871,                          //时间
    "version": "7cd2cfab0dc979339f1de904bd90c9cb",  //内容版本
    "symbols": [                                    //交易对清单
        "id": 614,                                  //ID
        "symbol": "btc_usdt",                       //交易对
        "state": "ONLINE",                          //交易对状态[ONLINE=上线的;OFFLINE=下线的,DELISTED=退市]
        "tradingEnabled": true,                     //启用交易
        "openapiEnabled": true,                     //启用OPENAPI
        "nextStateTime": null,                      //下一个状态时间
        "nextState": null,                          //下一个状态
        "depthMergePrecision": 5,                   //深度合并精度
        "baseCurrency": "btc",                      //标的资产
        "baseCurrencyPrecision": 5,                 //标的资产精度
        "baseCurrencyId": 2,                        //标的资产ID
        "quoteCurrency": "usdt",                    //报价资产
        "quoteCurrencyPrecision": 6,                //报价资产精度
        "quoteCurrencyId": 11,                      //报价资产ID
        "pricePrecision": 4,                        //交易价格精度
        "quantityPrecision": 6,                     //交易数量精度
        "takerFeeRate": 0.001,                      //吃单手续费率
        "makerFeeRate": 0.002,                      //挂单手续费率
        "orderTypes": [                             //订单类型[LIMIT=限价单;MARKET=市价单]
        "timeInForces": [                           //有效方式[GTC=成交为止,一直有效; IOC=无法立即成交(吃单)的部分就撤销; FOK=无法全部立即成交就撤销; GTX=无法成为挂单方就撤销]
        "displayWeight": 1,                         //展示权重,越大越靠前
        "displayLevel": "FULL",                     //展示级别,[FULL=完全展示,SEARCH=搜索展示,DIRECT=直达展示,NONE=不展示]
        "plates": [],                               //所属板块  eg:22,23,24
        "filters": [                                //过滤器
            "filter": "PROTECTION_LIMIT",
            "buyMaxDeviation": "0.8"
            "sellMaxDeviation": "0.8"
            "filter": "PROTECTION_MARKET",
            "maxDeviation": "0.1"
            "filter": "PROTECTION_ONLINE",
            "durationSeconds": "300",
            "maxPriceMultiple": "5"
            "filter": "PRICE",
            "min": null,
            "max": null,
            "tickSize": null
            "filter": "QUANTITY",
            "min": null,
            "max": null,
            "tickSize": null
            "filter": "QUOTE_QTY",
            "min": null

获取深度数据 Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
symbol string true 交易对 eg:btc_usdt
limit number false 100 数量,最小查询100条 1~500



public String depth(){


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "SUCCESS",
  "ma": [],
  "result": {
    "timestamp": 1662445330524,          //时间戳
    "lastUpdateId": 137333589606963580,  //最后更新记录
    "bids": [                            //买盘([?][0]=价位;[?][1]=挂单量)
        "200.0000",                      //价位
        "0.996000"                       //挂单量
    "asks": []                          //卖盘([?][0]=价位;[?][1]=挂单量)

获取k线数据 Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
symbol string true 交易对 eg:btc_usdt
interval string true K线类型 ,1m;3m;5m;15m;30m;1h;2h;4h;6h;8h;12h;1d;3d;1w;1M eg:1m [1m;3m;5m;15m;30m;1h;2h;4h;6h;8h;12h;1d;3d;1w;1M]
startTime number false 起始时间戳
endTime number false 结束时间戳
limit number false 100 限制数量 1~1000



  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": [
      "t": 1662601014832,   //开盘时间(time)
      "o": "30000",         //开盘价(open)
      "c": "32000",         //收盘价(close)
      "h": "35000",         //最高价(high)
      "l": "25000",         //最低价(low)
      "q": "512",           //成交量(quantity)
      "v": "15360000"       //成交额(volume)

查询近期成交列表 Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
symbol string true 交易对
limit number false 200 数量 1,1000



public String tradeRecent(){


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": [
      "i": 0,           //ID
      "t": 0,           //成交时间(time)
      "p": "string",    //成交价(price)
      "q": "string",    //成交量(quantity)
      "v": "string",    //成交额(volume)
      "b": true         //方向(buyerMaker)

查询历史成交列表 Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
symbol string true 交易对
limit number false 200 数量 1,1000
direction string true 查询方向 PREV-上一页,NEXT-下一页
fromId number false 起始ID,eg: 6216559590087220004



public String tradeHistory(){


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": [
      "i": 0,           //ID
      "t": 0,           //成交时间(time)
      "p": "string",    //成交价(price)
      "q": "string",    //成交量(quantity)
      "v": "string",    //成交额(volume)
      "b": true         //方向(buyerMaker)

完整ticker Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
symbol string false 交易对 eg:btc_usdt
symbols array false 交易对集合,优先级高于symbol。 eg: btc_usdt,eth_usdt
tags string false 标签集合,逗号分割,当前仅支持 spot




public String price(){


    "rc": 0,
    "mc": "SUCCESS",
    "ma": [],
    "result": [
            "s": "btc_usdt",        //交易对(symbol)
            "t": 1662444879425,     //更新时间(time)
            "cv": "0.00",           //价格变动(change value)
            "cr": "0.0000",         //价格变动百分比(change rate)
            "o": "200.00",          //最早一笔(open)
            "l": "200.00",          //最低(low)
            "h": "200.00",          //最高(high)
            "c": "200.00",          //最后一笔(close)
            "q": "0.002",           //成交量(quantity)
            "v": "0.40",            //成交额(volume)
            "ap": null,             //asks price(卖一价)
            "aq": null,             //asks qty(卖一量)
            "bp": null,             //bids price(买一价)
            "bq": null              //bids qty(买一量)

获取最新价格ticker Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
symbol string false 交易对 eg:btc_usdt
symbols array false 交易对集合,优先级高于symbol。 eg: btc_usdt,eth_usdt
tags string false 标签集合,逗号分割,当前仅支持 spot




public String price(){


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "SUCCESS",
  "ma": [],
  "result": [
      "s": "btc_usdt",     //交易对(symbol)
      "t": 1661856036925   //时间(time)
      "p": "9000.0000",    //价格(price)

获取最优挂单ticker Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
symbol string false 交易对 eg:btc_usdt
symbols array false 交易对集合,优先级高于symbol。 eg: btc_usdt,eth_usdt
tags string false 标签集合,逗号分割,当前仅支持 spot




  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "SUCCESS",
  "ma": [],
  "result": [
      "s": "btc_usdt",      //交易对(symbol)
      "t": 1661856036925,   //最后更新时间(last updated time) 
      "ap": null,           //asks price(卖一价)
      "aq": null,           //asks qty(卖一量)
      "bp": null,           //bids price(买一价)
      "bq": null            //bids qty(买一量)

获取24h统计ticker Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
symbol string false 交易对 eg:btc_usdt
symbols array false 交易对集合,优先级高于symbol。 eg: btc_usdt,eth_usdt
tags string false 标签集合,逗号分割,当前仅支持 spot




  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "SUCCESS",
  "ma": [],
  "result": [
      "s": "btc_usdt",     //交易对(symbol)
      "t": 1661856036925,  //时间(time) 
      "cv": "0.0000",      //价格变动(change value)
      "cr": "0.00",        //价格变动百分比(change rate)
      "o": "9000.0000",    //最早一笔(open)
      "l": "9000.0000",    //最低(low)
      "h": "9000.0000",    //最高(high)
      "c": "9000.0000",    //最后一笔(close)
      "q": "0.0136",       //成交量(quantity)
      "v": "122.9940"      //成交额(volume)

单笔获取 Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
orderId number true 订单ID
public String orderGet(){


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {
    "symbol": "BTC_USDT",                   //交易对
    "orderId": "6216559590087220004",       //订单号
    "clientOrderId": "16559590087220001",   //客户端订单号
    "baseCurrency": "string",               //标的币种
    "quoteCurrency": "string",              //报价币种
    "side": "BUY",                          //订单方向 BUY-买,SELL-卖
    "type": "LIMIT",                        //订单类型  LIMIT-限价,MARKET-市价 
    "timeInForce": "GTC",                   //有效方式  GTC,IOC,FOK,GTX
    "price": "40000",                       //价格
    "origQty": "2",                         //原始数量
    "origQuoteQty": "48000",                //原始金额
    "executedQty": "1.2",                   //已执行数量
    "leavingQty": "string",                 //待执行数量(若撤单或下单拒绝,该值为0
    "tradeBase": "2",                       //成交标的(成交数量)
    "tradeQuote": "48000",                  //成交报价(成交金额)
    "avgPrice": "42350",                    //成交均价
    "fee": "string",                        //手续费
    "feeCurrency": "string",                //手续费币种
    "state": "NEW",                         //订单状态 NEW-新建,PARTIALLY_FILLED-部分成交,FILLED-全部成交,CANCELED-用户撤单,REJECTED-下单失败,EXPIRED-过期(time_in_force撤单或溢价撤单)
    "deductServices":[{                     //手续费抵扣列表(如果设置手续费抵扣并产生抵扣,使用该字段代表手续费,没有抵扣使用原有fee、feeCurrency字段代表手续费)                         
    "time": 1655958915583,                  //订单时间
    "ip": "",                      //ip地址
    "updatedTime": 1655958915583            //订单更新时间

单笔查询 Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
orderId number false 订单ID
clientOrderId string false 客户端订单号
public String orderGet(){


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {
    "symbol": "BTC_USDT",                   //交易对
    "orderId": "6216559590087220004",       //订单号
    "clientOrderId": "16559590087220001",   //客户端订单号
    "baseCurrency": "string",               //标的币种
    "quoteCurrency": "string",              //报价币种
    "side": "BUY",                          //订单方向 BUY-买,SELL-卖
    "type": "LIMIT",                        //订单类型  LIMIT-限价,MARKET-市价 
    "timeInForce": "GTC",                   //有效方式  GTC,IOC,FOK,GTX
    "price": "40000",                       //价格
    "origQty": "2",                         //原始数量
    "origQuoteQty": "48000",                //原始金额
    "executedQty": "1.2",                   //已执行数量
    "leavingQty": "string",                 //待执行数量(若撤单或下单拒绝,该值为0
    "tradeBase": "2",                       //成交标的(成交数量)
    "tradeQuote": "48000",                  //成交报价(成交金额)
    "avgPrice": "42350",                    //成交均价
    "fee": "string",                        //手续费
    "feeCurrency": "string",                //手续费币种
    "state": "NEW",                         //订单状态 NEW-新建,PARTIALLY_FILLED-部分成交,FILLED-全部成交,CANCELED-用户撤单,REJECTED-下单失败,EXPIRED-过期(time_in_force撤单或溢价撤单)
    "deductServices":[{                     //手续费抵扣列表(如果设置手续费抵扣并产生抵扣,使用该字段代表手续费,没有抵扣使用原有fee、feeCurrency字段代表手续费)
    "time": 1655958915583,                  //订单时间
    "updatedTime": 1655958915583            //订单更新时间

单笔下单 Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
symbol string true 交易对
clientOrderId string false 客户端ID正则:^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{4,32}$
side string true 买卖方向  BUY-买,SELL-卖
type string true 订单类型  LIMIT-限价,MARKET-市价 
timeInForce string true 有效方式 GTC, FOK, IOC, GTX
bizType string true 业务类型 SPOT-现货, LEVER-杠杆
price number false 价格。限价必填; 市价不填
quantity number false 数量。限价必填;市价按数量下单时必填
quoteQty number false 金额。限价不填;市价按金额下单时必填
nftId string false nft id





public String orderPost(){


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {
    "orderId": "6216559590087220004",   //订单ID
    "ip": ""                   //ip地址

单笔撤单 Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
orderId number true 订单ID
public String orderDel(){


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {
    "cancelId": "6216559590087220004"

批量获取 Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
orderIds string true 订单ID集合,逗号分割 eg: 6216559590087220004,6216559590087220004

reponse 字段信息参考单笔订单获取接口

public String batchOrderGet(){


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": [
      "symbol": "BTC_USDT",
      "orderId": "6216559590087220004",
      "clientOrderId": "16559590087220001",
      "baseCurrency": "string",
      "quoteCurrency": "string",
      "side": "BUY",
      "type": "LIMIT",
      "timeInForce": "GTC",
      "price": "40000",
      "origQty": "2",
      "origQuoteQty": "48000",
      "executedQty": "1.2",
      "leavingQty": "string",
      "tradeBase": "2",
      "tradeQuote": "48000",
      "avgPrice": "42350",
      "fee": "string",
      "feeCurrency": "string",
      "state": "NEW",
      "deductServices":[{   //手续费抵扣列表(如果设置手续费抵扣并产生抵扣,使用该字段代表手续费,没有抵扣使用原有fee、feeCurrency字段代表手续费)
      "time": 1655958915583,
      "ip": "",
      "updatedTime": 1655958915583

批量下单 Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
clientBatchId string false 客户端批次号,正则:^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{4,32}$
items array true 集合
item.symbol string true 交易对
item.clientOrderId string false 客户端ID,正则:^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{4,32}$
item.side string true 订单方向 BUY-买,SELL-卖
item.type string true 订单类型 LIMIT-限价,MARKET-市价
item.timeInForce string true 有效方式 GTC,IOC,FOK,GTX
item.bizType string true 业务类型 SPOT-现货, LEVER-杠杆
item.price number false 价格。现价必填; 市价不填
item.quantity number false 数量。现价必填;市价按数量下单时必填
item.quoteQty number false 金额。现价不填;市价按金额下单时必填



public String batchOrderPost(){


  "clientBatchId": "51232",
  "items": [
      "symbol": "BTC_USDT",
      "clientOrderId": "16559590087220001",
      "side": "BUY",
      "type": "LIMIT",
      "timeInForce": "GTC",
      "bizType": "SPOT",
      "price": 40000,
      "quantity": 2,
      "quoteQty": 80000
  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {
    "batchId": "123",                       // 批次号 
    "items": [                              //订单集合
        "index": "0",                       // 下标,从0开始 
        "clientOrderId": "123",             // 客户端订单ID 
        "orderId": "123",                   // 订单ID 
        "reject": "false",                  // 是否拒单 
        "reason": "invalid price precision" // 拒单原因 

单笔改单(限价) Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
orderId number true 订单号
price number true 价格
quantity number true 数量



public String orderPost(){


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {
    "orderId": "6216559590087220004",   //订单ID
    "modifyId": "407329711723834560"    //修改ID

批量撤单 Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
clientBatchId string false 客户端批次号
orderIds array true 集合[6216559590087220004,6216559590087220005]


public String batchOrderDel(){


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {}

查询当前挂单 Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
symbol string false 交易对,不传代表所有
bizType string false 业务类型 SPOT-现货, LEVER-杠杆
side string false BUY-买,SELL-卖



  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": [      //字段信息参考单笔订单获取接口
      "symbol": "BTC_USDT",
      "orderId": "6216559590087220004",
      "clientOrderId": "16559590087220001",
      "baseCurrency": "string",
      "quoteCurrency": "string",
      "side": "BUY",
      "type": "LIMIT",
      "timeInForce": "GTC",
      "price": "40000",
      "origQty": "2",
      "origQuoteQty": "48000",
      "executedQty": "1.2",
      "leavingQty": "string",
      "tradeBase": "2",
      "tradeQuote": "48000",
      "avgPrice": "42350",
      "fee": "string",
      "feeCurrency": "string",
      "state": "NEW",
      "deductServices":[{   //手续费抵扣列表(如果设置手续费抵扣并产生抵扣,使用该字段代表手续费,没有抵扣使用原有fee、feeCurrency字段代表手续费)
      "time": 1655958915583,
      "ip": "",
      "updatedTime": 1655958915583

撤销当前挂单 Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
symbol string false 交易对,不传代表所有
bizType string true 业务类型 SPOT-现货, LEVER-杠杆
side string false BUY-买,SELL-卖



  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {}

历史订单查询 Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
symbol string false 交易对,不传代表所有
bizType string false 业务类型 SPOT-现货, LEVER-杠杆
side string false BUY-买,SELL-卖
type string false 订单类型 LIMIT-限价, MARKET-市价
state string false 订单状态 NEW-新建,PARTIALLY_FILLED-部分成交,FILLED-全部成交,CANCELED-用户撤单,REJECTED-下单失败,EXPIRED-过期(time_in_force撤单或溢价撤单)
fromId number false 起始ID
direction string false 查询方向:PREV, NEXT
limit number false 20 限制数量,最大100
startTime number false 开始时间 eg:1657682804112
endTime number false 结束时间
hiddenCanceled bool false 隐藏已取消



  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {
    "hasPrev": true,
    "hasNext": true,
    "items": [   //内容信息参考单笔获取订单接口
        "symbol": "BTC_USDT",
        "orderId": "6216559590087220004",
        "clientOrderId": "16559590087220001",
        "baseCurrency": "string",
        "quoteCurrency": "string",
        "side": "BUY",
        "type": "LIMIT",
        "timeInForce": "GTC",
        "price": "40000",
        "origQty": "2",
        "origQuoteQty": "48000",
        "executedQty": "1.2",
        "leavingQty": "string",
        "tradeBase": "2",
        "tradeQuote": "48000",
        "avgPrice": "42350",
        "fee": "string",
        "feeCurrency": "string",
        "state": "NEW",
        "deductServices":[{   //手续费抵扣列表(如果设置手续费抵扣并产生抵扣,使用该字段代表手续费,没有抵扣使用原有fee、feeCurrency字段代表手续费)
        "time": 1655958915583,
        "ip": "",
        "updatedTime": 1655958915583

成交查询 Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
symbol string false 交易对,不传代表所有
bizType string false 业务类型 SPOT-现货, LEVER-杠杆
orderSide string false BUY-买,SELL-卖
orderType string false 订单类型 LIMIT-限价, MARKET-市价
orderId number false 订单号
fromId number false 分页起始ID
direction string false 查询方向:PREV, NEXT
limit number false 20 限制数量,最大100
startTime number false 开始时间 eg:1657682804112
endTime number false 结束时间
  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {
    "hasPrev": true,
    "hasNext": true,
    "items": [
        "symbol": "BTC_USDT",               //交易对
        "tradeId": "6316559590087222001",   //成交单号
        "orderId": "6216559590087220004",   //订单号
        "orderSide": "BUY",                 //订单方向
        "orderType": "LIMIT",               //订单类型
        "bizType": "SPOT",                  //业务类型
        "time": 1655958915583,              //成交时间
        "price": "40000",                   //成交价格
        "quantity": "1.2",                  //成交数量
        "quoteQty": "48000",                //成交金额
        "baseCurrency": "BTC",              //标的币种类型
        "quoteCurrency": "USDT",            //报价币种类型
        "fee": "0.5",                       //手续费资产金额
        "feeCurrency": "USDT",              //手续费资产类型
        "takerMaker": "taker"               //takerMaker

获取币种信息 Edit


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": [
       "id": 11,            //币种id
      "currency": "usdt",   //币种名称
      "fullName": "usdt",   //币种全称
      "logo": null,         //币种logo
      "cmcLink": null,      //cmc链接
      "weight": 100,        //权重
      "maxPrecision": 6,    //精度
      "depositStatus": 1,   //充值状态(0关闭 1开放)
      "withdrawStatus": 1,  //提现状态(0关闭 1开放)
      "convertEnabled": 1,  //小额资产兑换开关[0=关;1=开]
      "transferEnabled": 1  //划转开关[0=关;1=开]

获取单个币种资产 Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
currency string true eg:usdt
  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {
    "currency": "usdt",     //币种
    "currencyId": 0,        //币种ID
    "frozenAmount": 0,      //冻结数量
    "availableAmount": 0,   //可用数量
    "totalAmount": 0,       //总数量
    "convertBtcAmount": 0   //折算BTC数量

获取币种资产列表 Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
currencies string false 币种列表,逗号分隔,eg: usdt,btc



  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {
    "totalBtcAmount": 0,
    "assets": [    //参数内容参考获取单个币种资产接口
        "currency": "string",
        "currencyId": 0,
        "frozenAmount": 0,
        "availableAmount": 0,
        "totalAmount": 0,
        "convertBtcAmount": 0

获取XT可充提的币种 Edit



currency 、chain 字段需要在后续充值/提现接口中使用

  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": [
        "currency": "BTC",                  //币种
        "supportChains": [
                "chain": "Bitcon",             //支持的转账网络
                "depositEnabled": true,        //是否支持充值,true:支持,false:不支持
                "withdrawEnabled": true,       //是否支持提现,true:支持,false:不支持
                "contract": "futureAddress",   //合约地址
                "depositMinAmount": 1,         //最小充值数量
                "depositFeeRate": 0.2,         //充值费率,百分比
                "depositConfirmations": 2,     //充值确认块数
                "withdrawMinAmount": 10,       //最小提现数量
                "withdrawPrecision": 4,        //提币数量精度
                "withdrawFeeAmount": 0.2,      //提现手续费
                "withdrawFeeCurrency": "btc",  //提币手续费币种名称
        "currency": "ETF",                  //币种
        "supportChains": [
                "chain": "Ethereum",           //支持的转账网络
                "depositEnabled": true,        //是否支持充值,true:支持,false:不支持
                "withdrawEnabled": true,       //是否支持提现,true:支持,false:不支持
                "contract": "futureAddress",   //合约地址
                "depositMinAmount": 1,         //最小充值数量
                "depositFeeRate": 0.2,         //充值费率,百分比
                "depositConfirmations": 2,     //充值确认块数
                "withdrawMinAmount": 10,       //最小提现数量
                "withdrawPrecision": 4,        //提币数量精度
                "withdrawFeeAmount": 0.2,      //提现手续费
                "withdrawFeeCurrency": "eth",  //提币手续费币种名称

获取充值地址 Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
chain string true 转账网络名称
currency string true 币种名称
  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {
    "address": "0xfa3abfa50eb2006f5be7831658b17aca240d8526",     //钱包地址
    "memo": ""

充值历史 Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
currency string true 币种名称,可从“获取XT可充提的币种”接口中获取
chain string true 转账网络名称,可从“获取XT可充提的币种”接口中获取
fromId long false 上次开始分页的Id,即记录的主键id
direction string false NEXT 分页方向 NEXT:下一页,PREV:上一页
limit int false 10 每页记录数,最大不超过200 1<=limit<=200
startTime long false 查询范围开始边界,毫秒级时间戳
endTime long false 查询范围结束边界,毫秒级时间戳
  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {
    "hasPrev": true,            //是否有上一页
    "hasNext": true,            //是否有下一页
    "items": [
         "id": 169669597,       //提现记录id
         "currency": "xlm2",    //币种名称
         "chain": "XLM",        //转账网络名称
         "memo": "441824256",   //memo
         "status": "SUCCESS",   //充值状态
         "amount": "0.1",       //充值金额
         "confirmations": 12,   //区块确认数
         "transactionId": "28dd15b5c119e00886517f129e5e1f8283f0286b277bcd3cd1f95f7fd4a1f7fc",   //交易哈希
         "fromAddr": "GBTISB3JK65DG6LEEYYFW33RMMDHBQ65AEUPE5VDBTCLYYFS533FTG6Q",    //来源地址
         "createdTime": 1667260957000   //充值时间,毫秒级时间戳

提现 Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
currency string true 币种名称,可从'获取XT可充提的币种'接口中获取
chain string false 转账网络名称,可从'获取XT可充提的币种'接口中获取
clientOrderId string false 自定义客户端ID,正则:^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{4,32}$
amount number true 提现金额,包含手续费部分
address string false 提现地址
memo string false memo,对于EOS类似的需要memo的链必传
toAccountId number false 收款用户ID




    "rc": 0,
    "mc": "SUCCESS",
    "ma": [],
    "result": {      
        "id": 100    //Long  提现记录id,用于后期查询提现历史记录

提现详情 Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
recordId string false 提现记录id,提现接口响应中获取,建议优先使用
clientOrderId string false 客户端ID



    "rc": 0,
    "mc": "SUCCESS",
    "ma": [],
    "result": {      
        "id": 100,                     //提现记录id,用于后期查询提现历史记录
        "clientOrderId": 10,           //客户端ID
        "type": 0,                     //提现类型 CHAIN_TRANSFER-区块链提现 INTERNAL_TRANSFER-内部提现
        "currency": "btc",             //币种
        "address": "xxxxx",            //提现目标地址
        "status": "REVIEW",            //状态,含义见公共模块-充值/提现记录状态码及含义
        "amount": 0.1,                 //提现数量
        "fee": 0.0001,                 //提现手续费
        "chain": "Tron",               //网络
        "memo": "yyyyy",               //memo
        "confirmations": 2,            //区块确认数
        "transactionId": "490267492",  //交易hash
        "createdTime": 1737093343000   //提现时间

提现历史 Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
currency string true 币种名称,可从'获取XT可充提的币种'接口中获取
chain string true 转账网络名称,可从'获取XT可充提的币种'接口中获取
status string false 提现记录的状态,字符串类型(含义见公共模块-充值/提现记录状态码及含义) SUBMIT、REVIEW、AUDITED、AUDITED_AGAIN、PENDING、SUCCESS、FAIL、CANCEL
fromId Long false 上次开始分页的Id,即记录的主键id
direction String false NEXT 分页方向 NEXT:下一页,PREV:上一页
limit int false 10 每页记录数,最大不超过200 1<=limit<=200
startTime Long false 查询范围开始边界,毫秒级时间戳
endTime Long false 查询范围结束边界,毫秒级时间戳
  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {
        "hasPrev": true,                       //是否有上一页
        "hasNext": true,                       //是否有下一页
        "items": [
                "id": 763111,                  //提现记录id
                "clientOrderId": 10,           //客户端ID
                "type": 0,                     //提现类型 CHAIN_TRANSFER-区块链提现 INTERNAL_TRANSFER-内部提现
                "currency": "usdt",            //币种名称
                "chain": "Ethereum",           //提现网络
                "address": "0xfa3abfa50eb2",   //提现目标地址
                "memo": "",
                "status": "REVIEW",            //状态,含义见公共模块-充值/提现记录状态码及含义
                "amount": "30",                //提现金额
                "fee": "0",                    //提现手续费
                "confirmations": 0,            //区块确认数
                "transactionId": "",           //交易哈希
                "createdTime": 1667763470000                                
                "id": 763107,
                "clientOrderId": 10, 
                "type": 0,  
                "currency": "usdt",
                "chain": "Tron",
                "address": "TYnJJwaJKkqVvE2zEfUvFbHgKxVBY5zGq9",
                "memo": "",
                "status": "REVIEW",
                "amount": "50",
                "fee": "1",
                "confirmations": 0,
                "transactionId": "",
                "createdTime": 1667428286000

BTCsn充值 Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
currency string true 币种
serial string true 序列号
passcode string true 密码


    "rc": 0,
    "mc": "SUCCESS",
    "ma": [],
    "result": {      

BTCsn充值提现历史 Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
type number false 2 类型:1-充值;2-提现
status number false 状态:0-已提交;1-审核中;2-已审核;3-已完成;4-拒绝;5-取消
currency string false 币种
startTime number false 开始时间(时间戳)
endTime number false 结束时间(时间戳)
page number false 页码
size number false 页大小
    "rc": 0,
    "mc": "SUCCESS",
    "ma": [],
    "result": {   
              id: 123,
              type: 2,
              currencyId: 2280,
              currencyName: "btcsn",
              amount: 0.01,
              fee: 0.7511888,
              feeCurrencyId: 11, 
              feeCurrencyName: "usdt",
              serial: 123,
              status: 3,
              password: 123456,
              createTime: 1730967448000

BTCsn提现 Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
currency string true 币种
serial string true 序列号


    "rc": 0,
    "mc": "SUCCESS",
    "ma": [],
    "result": {      

用户业务系统间划转 Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
bizId string true 唯一id 用作重复请求幂等 最大长度为128
from enum true 划出业务账户 bizType 枚举
to enum true 划入业务账户 bizType 枚举
currency string true 币种名称必须全部小写(usdt,btc)
symbol string false 划转交易对必须全部小写(划入划出有一方是杠杆此字段必传)
amount bigDecimal true 划转的数量
public String transferPost(){


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [],
  "result": 123456  //返回的划转唯一id 建议存储用来对账

子账户业务系统间划转 Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
bizId string true 唯一id 用作重复请求幂等 最大长度为128
from enum true 划出业务账户 bizType 枚举
to enum true 划入业务账户 bizType 枚举
currency string true 币种名称必须全部小写(usdt,btc)
symbol string false 划转交易对必须全部小写(划入划出有一方是杠杆此字段必传)
amount bigDecimal true 划转的数量
toAccountId long true 划入账户id(必须和划出账户id属于同一个用户否则不支持)
fromAccountId long false 划出账户id
public String accountTransferPost(){


  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "SUCCESS",
  "ma": [],
  "result": 123456 //返回的划转唯一id 建议存储用来对账

查询可以转换的小额资产 Edit




  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {
                "details": [
                                "currency": "ADA",             // 币种名称
                                "amount": "6.21",              // 数量
                                "toBtc": "0.00016848",         // BTC估值
                                "convertAmount": "0.01777302", // 转换估值(未扣除手续费)
                                "convertFee": "0.00035546"     // 转换估值手续费
                "convertCurrency": "XT",                       // 转换币种
                "totalToBtc": "0.00016848",                    // BTC总估值
                "totalConvertAmount": "0.01777302",            // 转换总估值(未扣除手续费)
                "totalConvertFee": "0.02"                      // 转换总估值手续费

小额资产转换 Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
currencies array true 集合 最多支持5个加密币转换





    "currencies": [

  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": {

查询小额资产转换列表 Edit


参数 数据类型 是否必须 默认值 描述 取值范围
currency string true 加密币 eg: usdt
startTime number true 开始时间
endTime number true 结束时间





  "rc": 0,
  "mc": "string",
  "ma": [
  "result": [
                    "currency": "ADA",          // 币种名称
                    "amount": "6.21",           // 数量
                    "convertAmount": "6.21",    // 转换数量
                    "convertCurrency": "XT",    // 转换币种
                    "convertFee": "0.00035546", // 手续费
                    "createTime": 1615985535000 // 操作时间

基本信息 Edit



Request Headers



请求报文格式 Edit

    "method": "subscribe", 
    "params": [
    "id": "{id}"    //回调ID
    "method": "unsubscribe", 
    "params": [
    "id": "{id}"   //回调ID

响应报文格式 Edit

    "id": "{id}",   //请求回调ID
    "code": 1,      //结果0=成功;1=失败;2=listenKey⽆效
    "msg": ""
{"id":"123", "code": 0, "msg": "success"}   
{"id":"123", "code": 401, "msg": "token expire"}

推送报文格式 Edit

    "topic": "trade",             //事件
    "event": "trade@btc_usdt",    //主题
    "data": { }                   //数据
    "topic": "trade", 
    "event": "trade@btc_usdt", 
    "data": {
        "s": "btc_usdt",           //symbol
        "i": 6316559590087222000,  //成交id
        "t": 1655992403617,        //时间
        "oi": 6616559590087222666, //订单id
        "p": "43000",              //价格
        "q": "0.21",               //数量
        "v": "9030"                //金额
        "b": true                  //是否是buyerMaker

心跳 Edit


订阅参数 Edit



Orderbook 维护 Edit


1.订阅 wss://stream.xt.com/public,depth_update@btc_usdt


3.访问Rest接口 https://sapi.xt.com/v4/public/depth?symbol=btc_usdt&limit=500 获得一个500档的深度快照

4.将目前缓存到的信息中i <= 步骤3中获取到的快照中的lastUpdateId的部分丢弃(丢弃更早的信息,已经过期)。

5.将深度快照中的内容更新到本地orderbook副本中,并从websocket接收到的第一个fi <= lastUpdateId+1 且 i >= lastUpdateId+1 的event开始继续更新本地副本。




注意: 因为深度快照对价格档位数量有限制,初始快照之外的价格档位并且没有数量变化的价格档位不会出现在增量深度的更新信息内。因此,即使应用来自增量深度的所有更新,这些价格档位也不会在本地 order book 中可见, 所以本地的 order book 与真实的 order book 可能会有一些差异。 不过对于大多数用例,500 的深度限制足以有效地了解市场和交易。

成交记录 Edit


语法: trade@{symbol}

示例: trade@btc_usdt

速率: 实时

    "topic": "trade", 
    "event": "trade@btc_usdt", 
    "data": {
        "s": "btc_usdt",           //symbol
        "i": 6316559590087222000,  //成交id
        "t": 1655992403617,        //时间
        "oi": 6616559590087222666, //订单id
        "p": "43000",              //价格
        "q": "0.21",               //数量
        "v": "9030"                //金额
        "b": true                  //是否是buyerMaker

K线 Edit



语法: kline@{symbol},{interval}

interval: 1m, 3m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 6h, 8h, 12h, 1d, 3d, 1w, 1M

示例: kline@btc_usdt,5m

速率: 1000ms


        "topic": "kline",
        "event": "kline@btc_usdt,5m",
            "data": {
            "s": "btc_usdt",       // symbol 交易对
            "t": 1656043200000,    // time 时间
            "i": "5m",             // interval 间隔
            "o": "44000",          // open 开盘价
            "c": "50000",          // close 收盘价
            "h": "52000",          // high 最⾼价
            "l": "36000",          // low 最低价
            "q": "34.2",           // qty 成交量
            "v": "230000"          // volume 成交额

有限深度 Edit



语法: depth@{symbol},{levels}

levels: 5, 10, 20, 50

示例: depth@btc_usdt,20

速率: 1000ms

    "topic": "depth", 
    "event": "depth@btc_usdt,20", 
    "data": {
        "s": "btc_usdt",        // symbol 交易对
        "i": 12345678,          // updateId
        "t": 1657699200000,     // time 时间戳
        "a": [                  // asks 卖盘
            [                   //[0]价格, [1]数量
                "34000",        //价格
                "1.2"           //数量 
        "b": [                   // bids 买盘

增量深度 Edit


语法: depth_update@{symbol}

示例: depth_update@btc_usdt


    "topic": "depth_update", 
    "event": "depth_update@btc_usdt", 
    "data": {
        "s": "btc_usdt",        // symbol 交易对
        "fi": 121,              // firstUpdateId 等于上一次推送的lastUpdateId + 1
        "i": 123,               // lastUpdateId
        "a": [                  // asks 卖盘
            [                   // [0]价格, [1]数量
                "34000",        //价格
                "1.2"           //数量
        "b": [                  // bids 买盘

ticker Edit


语法: ticker@{symbol}

示例: ticker@btc_usdt

速率: 1000ms

    "topic": "ticker", 
    "event": "ticker@btc_usdt", 
    "data": {
        "s": "btc_usdt",      // symbol 交易对
        "t": 1657586700119,   // time 最后成交时间
        "cv": "-200",         // priceChangeValue 24⼩时价格变化
        "cr": "-0.02",        // priceChangeRate 24⼩时价格变化(百分⽐)
        "o": "30000",         // open 第⼀笔
        "c": "39000",         // close 最后⼀笔
        "h": "38000",         // high 最⾼价
        "l": "40000",         // low 最低价
        "q": "4",             // quantity 成交量
        "v": "150000",        // volume 成交额

基本信息 Edit



Request Headers



请求报文格式 Edit



    "method": "subscribe", 
    "params": [
        "{topic}@{arg},{arg}",    //event
    "listenKey": "512312356123123123",   //监听Key,先通过/v4/ws-token接⼝获取accessToken
    "id": "{id}"
    "method": "unsubscribe", 
    "params": [
        "{topic}@{arg},{arg}",    //event
    "listenKey": "512312356123123123",   //监听Key,先通过/v4/ws-token接⼝获取accessToken
    "id": "{id}"

响应报⽂格式 Edit

    "id": "{id}",   //请求回调ID
    "code": 1,      //结果1=成功;0=失败;2=listenKey⽆效
    "msg": ""

获取token接口 Edit






accessToken = listenKey

    "rc": 0,
    "mc": "SUCCESS",
    "ma": [],
    "result": {
        "accessToken": "eyJhbqGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2NvdW50SWQiOiIyMTQ2Mjg1MzIyNTU5Iiwic3ViIjoibGh4dDRfMDAwMUBzbmFwbWFpbC5jYyIsInNjb3BlIjoiYXV0aCIsImlzcyI6Inh0LmNvbSIsImxhc3RBdXRoVGltZSI6MTY2MzgxMzY5MDk1NSwic2lnblR5cGUiOiJBSyIsInVzZXJOYW1lIjoibGh4dDRfMDAwMUBzbmFwbWFpbC5jYyIsImV4cCI6MTY2NjQwNTY5MCwiZGV2aWNlIjoidW5rbm93biIsInVzZXJJZCI6MjE0NjI4NTMyMjU1OX0.h3zJlJBQrK2x1HvUxsKivnn6PlSrSDXXXJ7WqHAYSrN2CG5XPTKc4zKnTVoYFbg6fTS0u1fT8wH7wXqcLWXX71vm0YuP8PCvdPAkUIq4-HyzltbPr5uDYd0UByx0FPQtq1exvsQGe7evXQuDXx3SEJXxEqUbq_DNlXPTq_JyScI",
        "refreshToken": "eyJhbGciOiqJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2NvdW50SWQiOiIyMTQ2Mjg1MzIyNTU5Iiwic3ViIjoibGh4dDRfMDAwMUBzbmFwbWFpbC5jYyIsInNjb3BlIjoicmVmcmVzaCIsImlzcyI6Inh0LmNvbSIsImxhc3RBdXRoVGltZSI6MTY2MzgxMzY5MDk1NSwic2lnblR5cGUiOiJBSyIsInVzZXJOYW1lIjoibGh4dDRfMDAwMUBzbmFwbWFpbC5jYyIsImV4cCI6MTY2NjQwNTY5MCwiZGV2aWNlIjoidW5rbm93biIsInVzZXJJZCI6MjE0NjI4NTMyMjU1OX0.Fs3YVm5YrEOzzYOSQYETSmt9iwxUHBovh2u73liv1hLUec683WGfktA_s28gMk4NCpZKFeQWFii623FvdfNoteXR0v1yZ2519uNvNndtuZICDdv3BQ4wzW1wIHZa1skxFfqvsDnGdXpjqu9UFSbtHwxprxeYfnxChNk4ssei430"

推送报⽂格式 Edit

    "topic": "trade",          //主题
    "event": "trade@btc_usdt", //事件
    "data": { }                //数据

余额变动 Edit


语法: balance

示例: balance

    "topic": "balance", 
    "event": "balance", 
    "data": {
        "a": "123",           // accountId 账号 
        "t": 1656043204763,   // time 发⽣时间
        "c": "btc",           // currency 币种
        "b": "123",           // balance 全部现货资产
        "f": "11",            // frozen 冻结资产
        "z": "SPOT",          // bizType 业务类型[SPOT,LEVER]
        "s": "btc_usdt"       // symbol 交易市场  

订单变动 Edit


语法: order

示例: order

    "topic": "order", 
    "event": "order", 
    "data": {
        "s": "btc_usdt",                // symbol 交易对
        "bc": "btc",                    // baseCurrency 标的币种
        "qc": "usdt",                   // quoteCurrency 报价币种
        "t": 1656043204763,             // time 发⽣时间
        "ct": 1656043204663,            // createTime 下单时间
        "i": "6216559590087220004",     // orderId 订单号
        "ci": "test123",                // clientOrderId 客户端订单号
        "sd": "BUY",                    // side 方向 BUY/SELL
        "tp": "LIMIT",                  // type 类型 LIMIT/MARKET
        "oq":  "4"                      // origQty 原始数量
        "oqq":  48000,                  // origQuoteQty 原始金额
        "eq": "2",                      // executedQty 已执⾏数量
        "lq": "2",                      // leavingQty 待执行数量
        "p": "4000",                    // price 价格
        "ap": "30000",                  // avg price 均价
        "f": "0.001"                    // fee 手续费

订单成交 Edit


语法: trade

示例: trade

    "topic": "trade", 
    "event": "trade", 
    "data": {
        "s": "btc_usdt",           //symbol
        "i": 6316559590087222000,  //成交id
        "t": 1655992403617,        //时间
        "oi": 6616559590087222666, //订单id
        "p": "43000",              //价格
        "q": "0.21",               //数量
        "v": "9030",               //金额
        "b": true,                 //是否是buyerMaker
        "tm": 1                    //1-taker 2-maker





Basic Information of the Interface Edit

Due to the reasons of high latency and poor stability, it is not recommend to access the XT API through a proxy.

GET request parameters are put in query Params, POST request parameters are put in request body.

The request header information is set to: Content-Type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded

In addition to the parameters required by the interface itself, signature, which is the signature parameter, needs to be passed in the query Params or request body. The interface that does not need to pass the signature parameter will be additionally explained.

Frequency Limiting Rules Edit

Get assets 3 times per second, other methods 10 times per second for each single user, 1000 times per minute for each single IP, exceeding the requested times, account will be locked for 10 minutes.

Signature Statement Edit

Since XT needs to provide some open interfaces for third-party platforms, it requires data security issues of the interface, such as whether the data has been tampered with, whether the data is outdated, whether the data can be submitted repeatedly, and the frequency of access to the interface within a certain period of time. Among them, whether the data has been tampered with is most important.

  1. Offline distribution of appkey and secretkey, for different calls, provide different appkey and secretkey.

  2. Add timestamp, the value of which should be the unix timestamp (milliseconds) of the time when the request is sent, and the valid time of the data is calculated according to this value.

  3. Add signature information for all data.

  4. Add recvwindow, the valid time is relatively simple and fixed to a certain value. For example, the data is valid within 10 minutes under the same api and appid. Here, it can be further optimized to the valid time of a single api is different.

The server determines the timestamp when it receives a request. Up to 60 seconds, and the default is 5 seconds. If it was sent 5000 milliseconds ago, the request will be considered invalid. This time window value can be customized by sending the optional parameter recvWindow. In addition, the server will also reject the request if it calculates that the client timestamp is more than one second ‘in the future’ of server time. Regarding the transaction timeliness, the Internet is not 100% reliable and cannot be completely relied upon, so your application’s local time delay to the XT server may be jitter.This is the purpose of setting recvWindow. If you are engaged in high-frequency trading and have high requirements for trading timeliness, you can flexibly set recvWindow to meet your requirements.

RecvWindow for more than 5 seconds is not recommended.

5、5. Add algorithms (signature method/algorithm). User’s signature calculation is a HSC-based protocol, where HmacSHA256 is used by default. See the specific supported protocols listed in the table below.

Name Mandatory Example Description
validate-appkey true dbefbc809e3e83c283a984c3a1459732ea7db1360ca80c5c2c8867408d28cc83
validate-timestamp true 1641446237201
validate-signature true 0a7d0b5e802eb5e52ac0cfcd6311b0faba6e2503a9a8d1e2364b38617877574d
validate-recvwindow false 5000(millisecond)
validate-algorithms false HmacSHA256 HmacMD5、HmacSHA1、HmacSHA224、HmacSHA256、HmacSHA384、HmacSHA512,默认为:HmacSHA256
api-version false 1.0 Reserved, API version number
validate-signversion false 1.0 Reserved, signature version number

Obtain Signature Edit

Example for http://fapi.xt.com/api/v1/public/symbol/detail?symbol=btc_usdt

The following is an example of an order placed in a call interface using echo openssl and curl tools in a Linux bash environment. Appkey, secret for demonstration purposes only:

appKey: 3976eb88-76d0-4f6e-a6b2-a57980770085

secretKey: bc6630d0231fda5cd98794f52c4998659beda290

Partial data of Header:

validate-appkey: 3976eb88-76d0-4f6e-a6b2-a57980770085

validate-timestamp: 1641446237201

validate-algorithms: HmacSHA256

Request data:

{ type: ‘LIMIT’, timeInForce: ‘GTC’, side: ‘BUY’, symbol: ‘btc_usdt’, price: ‘39000’, quantity: ‘2’ }


path: Concatenate all values in the order in path. The restful path in the form of /test/{var1}/{var2}/ will be spliced according to the actual parameters filled in, for example: /sign/test/bb/aa

query: Sorted by lexicographic order of key, concatenate all key=value. Example: userName=dfdfdf&password=ggg

body: Json: Operate as JSON string is not converted or sorted.

      x-www-form-urlencoded: Sorted by lexicographic order of key, concatenate all key=value. Example: userName=dfdfdf&password=ggg 

      form-data:Not supported.

If there are multiple data forms, re-concatenate in the order of path, query, and body to obtain the concatenate value of all data.

Example of Path:


      The above concatenated value is recorded as path

Example 1: All parameters sent via query string


        The above concatenate value is recorded as query

Example 2: All parameters send X-www-form-urlencoded request body string via the request body

Request body string of json


        The above concatenate value is recorded as body

Request body string of www-form-urlencoded

        {"symbol" : "btc_usdt","side" : "BUY","type":"LIMIT","timeInForce":"GTC","quantity":2,"price":39000}

        The above concatenate value is recorded as body

Example 3: Mix to use query string and request body (form and json format)

queryString: symbol=btc_usdt&side=BUY&type=LIMIT&timeInForce=GTC 上述拼接值记作query

requestBody: {“quantity”:2,”price”:39000} The above concatenate value is recorded as query

    The final concatenate value of the entire data is # concatenated with path, query, and body and form #path, #query, and #body. The finalconcatenate value is recorded asY=#path#query#body。


        query without data, body with data:Y=#path#body

        query with data, body without data:Y=#path#query

        query with data, body with data:Y=#path#query#body

2:Request header X=”validate-appkey=3976eb88-76d0-4f6e-a6b2-a57980770085&validate-timestamp=1641446237201”

3:Obtain Signature

Finally, record the string that needs to be encrypted as sign=XY

Finally, encrypt the final concatenated value according to the following method to obtain a signature.

signature=org.apache.commons.codec.digest.HmacUtils.hmacSha256Hex(secretkey, sign);

Put the generated signature in the request header, with validate-signature as the key and singature as the value.

How to Apply for API Key Edit

The interface may require the user’s API Key, please refer to how to create an API-KEY this page(https://xtsupport.zendesk.com/hc/zh-cn/articles/900006868163-%E5%A6%82%E4%BD%95%E7%94%B3%E8%AF%B7API%E4%BA%A4%E6%98%93-%E5%A6%82%E4%BD%95%E5%88%9B%E5%BB%BAAPI%E5%AF%86%E9%92%A5-)

API Library Edit

Java connector

A lightweight Java code library that provides a method for users to directly call the API

Sdks for each language:

  java: https://github.com/xt-com/xt4-java-demo

Return Format Edit

All interfaces’ returns are in JSON format.

    "returnCode": 200,
    "result": {
        "serverTime": 1636612706739
    "msgInfo": "Success."
    "error": null,

Error Code Edit

Status code Error information
200 Success
401 Login required
403 Login expired

Python Package Edit

Official Python3 API connector for XT.COM’s HTTP APIs :


Get client ip Edit


Note:This method does not require a signature.

  "returnCode": 0,
  "msgInfo": "success",
  "error": null
  "result": {

Get Trading Pair Currency Edit


Note:This method does not require a signature.

  "error": {
    "code": "",
    "msg": ""
  "msgInfo": "",
  "result": [],
  "returnCode": 0

Get Configuration Information for Single Trading Pair Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
symbol string true N/A Trading pair

Note:This method does not require a signature.

  "error": {
    "code": "",
    "msg": ""
  "msgInfo": "",
  "result": {
         "baseCoin": "",      //Target Assets
         "baseCoinDisplayPrecision": 0,  //Displayed target currency precision
         "baseCoinPrecision": 0,  //Target currency precision
         "cnDesc": "",  //Chinese description of the contract
         "cnName": "",  //Contract Chinese name
         "cnRemark": "",  //Contract Remarks (Chinese)
         "contractSize": 0,  //Contract multiplier(face value)
         "contractType": "",  //Contract type, perpetual, delivery
         "deliveryCompletion": false, //Whether the delivery is completed
         "deliveryDate": 0,  //delivery time
         "deliveryPrice": 0,  //delivery price
         "depthPrecisionMerge": 0,  //Handicap Precision Consolidation
         "enDesc": "",      //English description of the contract
         "enName": "",      //Contract English name
         "enRemark": "",    //Contract Remarks (English)
         "initLeverage": 0,  //Initial leverage
         "initPositionType": "",  //Initial position type
         "isDisplay": false,      //whether to display
         "isOpenApi": false,      //Whether to support OpenApi
         "labels": [],            //Label
         "liquidationFee": 0,     //Forced liquidation fee
         "makerFee": 0,           //Maker fee
         "marketTakeBound": 0,    //Market order maximum price deviation
         "maxEntrusts": 0,        //Maximum active orders
         "maxNotional": 0,        //Maximum Notional Value
         "maxOpenOrders": 0,      //Maximum open orders
         "maxPrice": 0,           //Maximum price
         "minNotional": 0,        //Minimum notional value
         "minPrice": 0,           //Minimum price
         "minQty": 0,             //Minimum quantity
         "minStepPrice": 0,       //Smallest tick
         "multiplierDown": 0,     //Floor percentage of sell limit order
         "multiplierUp": 0,       //Cap percentage of buy limit order
         "onboardDate": 0,        //List time
         "pair": "",              //Target trading pair
         "plates": [],
         "predictEventParam": "",   //Event Correlation Parameters
         "predictEventSort": "",    //Event Correlation Sorting: WIN wins, FLAT draws, NEGATIVE loses
         "predictEventType": "",    //Forecast event type: PERPETUAL perpetual event, ONCE single event
         "pricePrecision": 0,       //Price precision
         "productType": "",         //Contract type, perpetual, futures, regardless of delivery interval
         "quantityPrecision": 0,     //Quantity precision
         "quoteCoin": "",            //Quote currency
         "quoteCoinDisplayPrecision": 0,  //Displayed quote currency precision
         "quoteCoinPrecision": 0,         //Quote currency precision
         "state": 0,                    //Status
         "supportEntrustType": "",      //Trigger order type supported
         "supportOrderType": "",        //Order type supported
         "supportPositionType": "",     //Support position type
         "supportTimeInForce": "",      //Valid ways supported
         "symbol": "",                  //Trading pair
         "symbolGroupId": 0,
         "takerFee": 0,                  //Taker fee
         "tradeSwitch": false,           //Trading pair switch
         "underlyingType": ""            //Target type, Coin-M,USDT-M
  "returnCode": 0

Get Configuration Information for Listed And Tradeable Symbols Edit


Note:This method does not require a signature.

  "error": {
    "code": "",
    "msg": ""
  "msgInfo": "",
  "result": [
         "baseCoin": "",      //Target Assets
         "baseCoinDisplayPrecision": 0,  //Displayed target currency precision
         "cnDesc": "",  //Chinese description of the contract
         "cnName": "",  //Contract Chinese name
         "cnRemark": "",  //Contract Remarks (Chinese)
         "contractSize": 0,  //Contract multiplier(face value)
         "contractType": "",  //Contract type, perpetual, delivery
         "deliveryCompletion": false, //Whether the delivery is completed
         "deliveryDate": 0,  //delivery time
         "deliveryPrice": 0,  //delivery price
         "depthPrecisionMerge": 0,  //Handicap Precision Consolidation
         "enDesc": "",      //English description of the contract
         "enName": "",      //Contract English name
         "enRemark": "",    //Contract Remarks (English)
         "initLeverage": 0,  //Initial leverage
         "initPositionType": "",  //Initial position type
         "isDisplay": false,      //whether to display
         "isOpenApi": false,      //Whether to support OpenApi
         "labels": [],            //Label
         "liquidationFee": 0,     //Forced liquidation fee
         "makerFee": 0,           //Maker fee
         "marketTakeBound": 0,    //Market order maximum price deviation
         "maxEntrusts": 0,        //Maximum active orders
         "maxNotional": 0,        //Maximum Notional Value
         "maxOpenOrders": 0,      //Maximum open orders
         "maxPrice": 0,           //Maximum price
         "minNotional": 0,        //Minimum notional value
         "minPrice": 0,           //Minimum price
         "minQty": 0,             //Minimum quantity
         "minStepPrice": 0,       //Smallest tick
         "multiplierDown": 0,     //Floor percentage of sell limit order
         "multiplierUp": 0,       //Cap percentage of buy limit order
         "onboardDate": 0,        //List time
         "pair": "",              //Target trading pair
         "plates": [],
         "predictEventParam": "",   //Event Correlation Parameters
         "predictEventSort": "",    //Event Correlation Sorting: WIN wins, FLAT draws, NEGATIVE loses
         "predictEventType": "",    //Forecast event type: PERPETUAL perpetual event, ONCE single event
         "pricePrecision": 0,       //Price precision
         "productType": "",         //Contract type, perpetual, futures, regardless of delivery interval
         "quantityPrecision": 0,     //Quantity precision (Deprecated)
         "quoteCoin": "",            //Quote currency
         "quoteCoinDisplayPrecision": 0,  //Displayed quote currency precision
         "quoteCoinPrecision": 0,         //Quote currency precision
         "baseCoinPrecision": 0,          //Target currency precision
         "state": 0,                    //Status
         "supportEntrustType": "",      //Trigger order type supported
         "supportOrderType": "",        //Order type supported
         "supportPositionType": "",     //Support position type
         "supportTimeInForce": "",      //Valid ways supported
         "symbol": "",                  //Trading pair
         "symbolGroupId": 0,
         "takerFee": 0,                  //Taker fee
         "tradeSwitch": false,           //Trading pair switch
         "underlyingType": ""            //Target type, Coin-M,USDT-M
  "returnCode": 0

See Leverage Stratification of Single Trading Pair Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
symbol string true N/A Trading pair

Note:This method does not require a signature.

  "error": {
    "code": "",
    "msg": ""
  "msgInfo": "",
  "result": {
    "leverageBrackets": [
        "bracket": 0, //Level
        "maintMarginRate": 0, //Maintain margin rate
        "maxLeverage": 0, //Maximum leverage
        "maxNominalValue": 0, //Maximum notional value
        "maxStartMarginRate": 0, //Maximum initial margin rate
        "minLeverage": 0, //Minimum leverage
        "startMarginRate": 0, //Initial margin rate
        "symbol": "" //Trading pair
    "symbol": ""
  "returnCode": 0

See Leverage Stratification of All Trading Pairs Edit


Note:This method does not require a signature.

  "error": {
    "code": "",
    "msg": ""
  "msgInfo": "",
  "result": [
      "leverageBrackets": [
          "bracket": 0, //Level
          "maintMarginRate": 0, //Maintain margin rate
          "maxLeverage": 0, //Maximum leverage
          "maxNominalValue": 0, //Maximum notional value
          "maxStartMarginRate": 0, //Maximum initial margin rate
          "minLeverage": 0, //Minimum leverage
          "startMarginRate": 0, //Initial margin rate
          "symbol": "" //Trading pair
      "symbol": ""
  "returnCode": 0

Get Market Information for Specific Trading Pair Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
symbol string true N/A Trading pair

Note:This method does not require a signature.

  "error": {
    "code": "",
    "msg": ""
  "msgInfo": "",
  "result": {
    "a": "", //24h volume
    "c": "", //Latest price
    "h": "", //Highest price in 24 hours
    "l": "", //Lowest price in 24 hours
    "o": "", //The first transaction price 24 hours ago
    "r": "", //24h Price Fluctuation Limit
    "s": "", //Trading pair
    "t": 0, //Time
    "v": "" //24h turnover
  "returnCode": 0

Get Market Information for All Trading Pairs Edit


Note:This method does not require a signature.

  "error": {
    "code": "",
    "msg": ""
  "msgInfo": "",
  "result": [
      "a": "", //24h volume
      "c": "", //Latest price
      "h": "", //Highest price in 24 hours
      "l": "", //Lowest price in 24 hours
      "o": "", //The first transaction price 24 hours ago
      "r": "", //24h Price Fluctuation Limit
      "s": "", //Trading pair
      "t": 0, //Time
      "v": "" //24h turnover
  "returnCode": 0

Get Latest Transaction Information of Trading Pairs Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
symbol string true N/A Trading pair
num integer false 50 Quantity

Note:This method does not require a signature.

  "error": {
    "code": "",
    "msg": ""
  "msgInfo": "",
  "result": [
      "a": 0, //Volume
      "m": "", //Order side
      "p": 0, //Price
      "s": "", //Trading pair
      "t": 0 //Time
  "returnCode": 0

Get Depth Data of Trading Pairs Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
symbol string true N/A Trading pair
level integer true N/A Level(min:1,max:50)

Limit Flow Rules

Note:This method does not require a signature.

  "error": {
    "code": "",
    "msg": ""
  "msgInfo": "",
  "result": {
    "a": [], //Buy
    "b": [], //Sell
    "s": "", //Trading pair
    "t": 0, //Time
    "u": 0 //updateId
  "returnCode": 0

Get Index Price for Single Trading Pair Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
symbol string true N/A Trading pair

Note:This method does not require a signature.

  "error": {
    "code": "",
    "msg": ""
  "msgInfo": "",
  "result": {
    "p": 0, //Price
    "s": "", //Trading pair
    "t": 0 //Time
  "returnCode": 0

Get Index Price for All Trading Pairs Edit


Note:This method does not require a signature.

  "error": {
    "code": "",
    "msg": ""
  "msgInfo": "",
  "result": [
      "p": 0, //Price
      "s": "", //Trading pair
      "t": 0 //Time
  "returnCode": 0

Get Mark Price for Single Trading Pair Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
symbol string true N/A Trading pair

Note:This method does not require a signature.

  "error": {
    "code": "",
    "msg": ""
  "msgInfo": "",
  "result": {
    "p": 0, //Price
    "s": "", //Trading pair
    "t": 0 //Time
  "returnCode": 0

Get Mark Price for All Trading Pairs Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
symbol string false N/A Trading pair

Note:This method does not require a signature.

  "error": {
    "code": "",
    "msg": ""
  "msgInfo": "",
  "result": [
      "p": 0, //Price
      "s": "", //Trading pair
      "t": 0 //Time
  "returnCode": 0

Get Trading Pair Information of Kline Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
symbol string true N/A Trading pair
interval string true N/A Time-interval 1m;5m;15m;30m;1h;4h;1d;1w
startTime integer false N/A Start time
endTime integer false N/A End time
limit integer false N/A Limit

Note:This method does not require a signature.

  "error": {
    "code": "",
    "msg": ""
  "msgInfo": "",
  "result": [
      "a": 0, //Volume
      "c": 0, //Close price
      "h": 0, //Highest price
      "l": 0, //Lowest price
      "o": 0, //Open price
      "s": "", //Trading pair
      "t": 0, //Time
      "v": 0 //Turnover
  "returnCode": 0

Get Aggregated Market Information for Specific Trading Pair Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
symbol string true N/A Trading pair

Note:This method does not require a signature.

  "error": {
    "code": "",
    "msg": ""
  "msgInfo": "",
  "result": {
    "a": "", //24h volume
    "ap": "", //ask price
    "bp": "", //bid price
    "c": "", //Latest price
    "h": "", //Highest price in 24 hours
    "i": "", //index price
    "l": "", //Lowest price in 24 hours
    "m": "", //mark price
    "o": "", //The first transaction price 24 hours ago
    "r": "", //24h price fluctuation limit
    "s": "", //Trading pair
    "t": 0, //Time
    "v": "" //24h Turnover
  "returnCode": 0

Get Aggregated Market Information for All Trading Pairs Edit


Note:This method does not require a signature.

  "error": {
    "code": "",
    "msg": ""
  "msgInfo": "",
  "result": [
      "a": "", //24h volume
      "ap": "", //ask price
      "bp": "", //bid price
      "c": "", //Latest price
      "h": "", //Highest price in 24 hours
      "i": "", //index price
      "l": "", //Lowest price in 24 hours
      "m": "", //mark price
      "o": "", //The first transaction price 24 hours ago
      "r": "", //24h price fluctuation limit
      "s": "", //Trading pair
      "t": 0, //Time
      "v": "" //24h Turnover
  "returnCode": 0

Get Funding Rate Information Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
symbol string true N/A Trading pair

Limit Flow Rules

Note:This method does not require a signature.

  "error": {
    "code": "",
    "msg": ""
  "msgInfo": "",
  "result": {
    "hasNext": false, //Is there a next page
    "hasPrev": false, //Is there a previous page
    "items": [ //Datasheets
        "collectionInternal": 0, //Billing Cycle (hour)
        "createdTime": 0, //Time
        "fundingRate": 0, //Latest funding rate
        "id": 0, //id
        "symbol": "" //Trading pair
  "returnCode": 0

Get Ask Bid Market Information for Specific Trading Pair Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
symbol string true N/A Trading pair

Note:This method does not require a signature.

  "error": {
    "code": "",
    "msg": ""
  "msgInfo": "",
  "result": {
    "ap": "", //ask price
    "aq": "", //ask amount
    "bp": "", //bid price
    "bq": "", //bid amount
    "s": "", //Trading pair
    "t": 0 //Time
  "returnCode": 0

Get Funding Rate Records Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
symbol string false N/A Trading pair
direction string false NEXT Direction(PREV:Previous page;NEXT:Next page) PREV;NEXT
id integer false N/A id
limit integer false 10 Limit

Note:This method does not require a signature.

  "error": {
    "code": "",
    "msg": ""
  "msgInfo": "",
  "result": {
    "hasNext": false, //Is there a next page
    "hasPrev": false, //Is there a previous page
    "items": [ //Datasheets
        "collectionInternal": 0, //Billing Cycle (second)
        "createdTime": 0, //Time
        "fundingRate": 0, //Latest funding rate
        "id": 0, //id
        "symbol": "" //Trading pair
  "returnCode": 0

Get Ask Bid Market Information for All Trading Pairs Edit


Note:This method does not require a signature.

  "error": {
    "code": "",
    "msg": ""
  "msgInfo": "",
  "result": [
      "ap": "", //ask price
      "aq": "", //ask amount
      "bp": "", //bid price
      "bq": "", //bid amount
      "s": "", //Trading pair
      "t": 0 //Time
  "returnCode": 0

Get Trading Pair Risk Fund Balance Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
symbol string true Trading pair
direction string false NEXT Direction(PREV:Previous page;NEXT:Next page) PREV;NEXT
id integer false N/A id
limit integer false 10 Limit

Note:This method does not require a signature.

  "error": {
    "code": "",
    "msg": ""
  "msgInfo": "",
  "result": {
    "hasNext": false, //Is there a next page
    "hasPrev": false, //Is there a previous page
    "items": [ //Datasheets
        "amount": 0, //Balance
        "coin": "", //Currency
        "createdTime": 0, //Time
        "id": 0 //id
  "returnCode": 0

Get the open position of a trading pair Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
symbol string true N/A Trading pair

Limit Flow Rules

Note:This method does not require a signature.

  "error": {
    "code": "",
    "msg": ""
  "msgInfo": "",
  "result": {
    "symbol": "", //Trading pair
    "openInterest": "", //open position
    "openInterestUsd": 0, //open value
    "time": "", //time
  "returnCode": 0

Get Futures Info Edit


Content-Type = application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Note:This method does not require a signature.

    "id": 123, 
    "ask": "1817.32",                 //Current lowest ask price
    "base_currency": "ETH",           //Symbol/currency code of base pair, eg. BTC
    "base_volume": "13267684284",     //24 hour trading volume
    "bid": "1817.31",                 //Current highest bid price
    "contractSize": 10,               //Futures par value
    "end_timestamp": 253402099200000, //Ending of this derivative product
    "funding_rate": "-0.03",          //Fund rate
    "high": "1828.89",                //24-hour highest trading price
    "index_currency": "USD",          //Underlying currency for index
    "index_name": "ETH-USD",          //Name of the underlying index if any
    "index_price": "1816.61",         //Underlying index price
    "last_price": "1817.31",          //Latest price
    "low": "1778.65",                 //24-hour lowest trading price
    "next_funding_rate": "-0.03",     //Upcoming predicted funding rate
    "next_funding_rate_timestamp":1698681600000,  //Next funding rate time
    "open_interest": "2419347630",    //The open interest in the last 24 hours in contracts
    "product_type": "PERPETUAL",      //Product type
    "start_timestamp": 1651328033000, //Starting of this derivative product (relevant for expirable futures or options)
    "symbol": "eth_usd",
    "target_currency": "USD",         //Symbol/currency code of target pair, eg. ETH
    "target_volume": "73698647.51054371",  //24 hours trading volume
    "ticker_id": "ETH-USD",           //Identifier of a ticker with delimiter to separate base/target, eg. BTC-PERP
    "underlyingType": 1               //Target type, Coin-M,USDT-M

Get Depth Info Edit


Content-Type = application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
symbol string true N/A Trading pair, eg.BTC-USDT
level int false 50 1-200

Note:This method does not require a signature.

          "ticker_id": "BTC-USDT", 
          "timestamp": 1698668957638,
          "bids": [[
          "asks": [[

Create Orders Edit


Content-Type = application/x-www-form-urlencoded && application/json

Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
clientOrderId string false N/A Client order ID
symbol string true Trading pair
orderSide string true N/A Order side:BUY;SELL BUY;SELL
orderType string true N/A Order type:LIMIT;MARKET LIMIT;MARKET
origQty number true N/A Quantity (Cont)
price number false N/A Price
timeInForce string false GTC Valid way:GTC;IOC;FOK;GTX GTC;IOC;FOK;GTX
triggerProfitPrice number false N/A Stop profit price
triggerStopPrice number false N/A Stop loss price
positionSide string true N/A Position side:LONG;SHORT LONG;SHORT

OrigQty Calculation Formula


origQty = Truncate ((Balance * Percent * Leverage ) / (Mark_price * Contract_size))

Truncate : take the integer part 

Balance : (walletBalance - openOrderMarginFrozen) , api: /future/user/v1/compat/balance/list  

Percent : user input , exp: 0.2 

Leverage : leverage your want , exp: 20 

Mark_price : current symobl mark price , exp: 88888 (btc_usdt) 

Contract_size : contractSize , api: /future/market/v1/public/symbol/detail , Contract multiplier(face value)  

truncate(10000 * 0.2 * 20 / 88888 / 0.0001) = 4500

Limit Flow Rules


  "error": {
    "code": "",
    "msg": ""
  "msgInfo": "",
  "result": {},
  "returnCode": 0

See Order History Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
symbol string true N/A Trading pairs (queries all trading pairs if not passed)
direction string false NEXT Direction(PREV:Previous page;NEXT:Next page) PREV;NEXT
id integer false N/A id
limit integer false 10 Limit
startTime integer false N/A Start time
endTime integer false N/A End time

Limit Flow Rules


  "error": {
    "code": "",
    "msg": ""
  "msgInfo": "",
  "result": {
    "hasNext": false, //Is there a next page
    "hasPrev": false, //Is there a previous page
    "items": [ //Datasheets
        "clientOrderId": "", //Client order ID
        "avgPrice": 0, //Average price
        "closePosition": false, //Whether to close all when order condition is triggered
        "closeProfit": 0, //Offset profit and loss
        "createdTime": 0, //Creat time
        "executedQty": 0, //Volume (Cont)
        "forceClose": false, //Is it a liquidation order
        "marginFrozen": 0, //Occupied margin
        "orderId": 0, //Order ID
        "orderSide": "", //Order side
        "orderType": "", //Order type
        "origQty": 0, //Quantity (Cont)
        "positionSide": "", //Position side
        "price": 0, //Order price
        "sourceId": 0, //Triggering conditions ID
        "state": "", //Order state:NEW:New order (unfilled);PARTIALLY_FILLED:Partial deal;PARTIALLY_CANCELED:Partial revocation;FILLED:Filled;CANCELED:Cancled;REJECTED:Order failed;EXPIRED:Expired
        "symbol": "", //Trading pair
        "timeInForce": "", //Valid type
        "triggerProfitPrice": 0, //TP trigger price
        "triggerStopPrice": 0 //SL trigger price
  "returnCode": 0

See Transaction Details Edit


Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
orderId integer false N/A Order ID
symbol string false N/A Trading pair
page integer false 1 Page
size integer false 10 Quantity of a single page
startTime integer false N/A start time
endTime integer false N/A end time

Limit Flow Rules


  "error": {
    "code": "",
    "msg": ""
  "msgInfo": "",
  "result": {
    "items": [
        "fee": 0,                //Fee
        "feeCoin": "",           //Currency of fee
        "orderId": 0,            //Order ID
        "execId": 0,             //Trade ID
        "price": 0,              //Price
        "quantity": 0,           //Volume
        "symbol": "",            //Trading pair
        "timestamp": 0,          //Time
        "takerMaker": "TAKER"    //taker or maker
    "page": 0,
    "ps": 0,
    "total": 0
  "returnCode": 0

Update Orders Edit


Content-Type = application/x-www-form-urlencoded && application/json

Parameter Type mandatory Default Description Ranges
orderId number true Order ID
price number true Target price
origQty number true Target quantity (cont)
triggerProfitPrice number false N/A Profit target price
triggerStopPrice number false N/A Stop-Loss price
triggerPriceType string false LATEST_PRICE Trigger price type INDEX_PRICE(Index price);MARK_PRICE(Mark price);LATEST_PRICE(latest price)
profitDelegateOrderType string false N/A Take-Profit order type LIMIT;MARKET
profitDelegateTimeInForce string false N/A Take-Profit order validity method GTC;IOC;FOK;GTX
profitDelegatePrice number false N/A Take-Profit order price
stopDelegateOrderType string false N/A Stop-Loss order type LIMIT;MARKET
stopDelegateTimeInForce string false N/A Stop-Loss order validity method GTC;IOC;FOK;GTX
stopDelegatePrice number false N/A Stop-Loss order price
followUpOrder boolean false N/A If true, it indicates chase order

Limit Flow Rules


  "error": {
    "code": "",
    "msg": ""